Nas pens a letter to Def Jam regarding the “Lost Tapes 2” project
From: Nas To: LA Reid, Steve Bartels, Steve Gawley, Michael Seltzer, Joseph Borrino, Chris Hicks Subject: PUT MY SHIT OUT!...
Maya Azucena posebni gost na koncertu Bolesne Braće
Idućeg tjedna u hrvatsku metropolu će sletjeti prekrasna američka soul pjevačica Maya Azucena koja će na koncertu Bolesne Braće biti...
J-Live prepares new EP
In preparation for the release of his fifth full-length album, 3TP is releasing J-Live’s fourth EP titled “Undivided Attention”. The...
Mr. Magic Tribute
Yesterday marked the 1st anniversay of John Mr. Magic Rivas' death. Mr. Magic was the first host on commercial radio...
2010 BET Hip Hop Awards – The Cypher (Internet Exclusive)
The 2010 BET Hip Hop Awards were recorded last night in Atlanta, where the show will be televised nationally on...
Mons Is Done (Raspored premijera)
Premijere srpskog graffiti filma Mons Is Done kreću ovaj mjesec po Balkanu, na plakatu iznad provjerite točne datume i lokacije....
DJ Shadow – Death Surrounds Us (Neil Landstrumm Remix)
The new Neil Landstrumm remix of DJ Shadow's brand new single Def Surrounds Us.
Raspored nastupa na Flor Kilah Memoriamu
Još su samo dva dana ostala do velikog, sedmog po redu Flor Kilah Memoriama koji će se održati u zagrebačkom...
MF DOOM Feat. Big Ben Killington – Beef Rap
Gold Dust just released EXPEKTORATION FEAT. BIG BENN KLINGON, a live performance album, recorded in New York City. For over...
100 Essential Rap EPs – The Best of the Short & Sweet
More than ever, rappers are giving fans short, compact pieces of music, rather than full-lengths LPs. The format, formally known...
Video: Frenkie – Haj To
Tuzlanski reper Frenkie objavio je video spot za treći single sa albuma Protuotrov. Nakon pjesama Noćna Smjena, i Tebi sa...
Combat Jack Presents: True Stories Behind 25 Rap Classics
To many of you, he's known as Combat Jack, blogger for Daily Mathematics and Internet radio DJ/personality for However,...
Edo Maajka u Plavoj Sobi na Radiju 101
Prije koncerta (01.10. Boogaloo) kojim se oprašta sa zagrebačkom publikom u ovoj godini, pripala mu je još jedna potvrda da...
Type08 izabran u Top 10 logo dizajnera
Type08, dizajner koji je osmislio izgled Bumsquad magazina i koji svakog tjedna dizajnira Blackout playliste uvršten je među top 10...