Pirate Radio w/ Marley Marl & Pete Rock (Nov 19, 1994)
DJ Eclipse: Marley and Pete hop on the mic at 5:15 for the first mic break of the show. They...
DJ Eclipse: Marley and Pete hop on the mic at 5:15 for the first mic break of the show. They...
Recently, Sia took to Twitter to share a snippet of her highly-anticipated collaboration with Kanye West, "Reaper." Thankfully, the song...
Grime legend Skepta is in the country at the moment shutting shit down all over this wide brown land. He...
Watch Cole's fourth installment of his Road to Homecoming documentary entitled Buses, Vans, and Trains. Previous: Episode 1 / Episode...
In Episode 1 of our 2015 Doomsday Cypher, Lantana and Nino Man kicked things off with their mean raps. In...
Bunga Bunga is back like cooked crack. La Famiglia is starting off the new year with the next Bunga Bunga...
Koolade poziva sve zainteresirane da se jave u inbox svog Facebook pagea. Album će se sastojati od dva dijela, prvi...
Taken from To Whom It May Concern mixtape. (more…)
Nova traka banjalučkog repera Ignje pod nazivom U oblacima. Za beat je zaslužan Big Džo. (more…)
Raksi je ovih dana izbacio novu pjesmu, laganu kvartovsku kruzericu pod imenom "Klinci iz garaže". U međuvremenu završava materijale za...
Kanye surprised the judges in October when he appeared at the auditions and rapped his verse from Gold Digger. Check...
Napokon smo malo nadošli od novogodišnjih proslava i obiteljskih posjeta, pa je došlo vrijeme i da pokrijemo što je bilo...
Subotu 9.1. u klubu -DEEJAAAYY KHAAALLEEEED- SuperSuper se održava prvi ovogodišnji Juicy koji predstavlja svoj pod-program Another One, inspiriran motivacijskim...
Provjerite (po meni) najbolji do sada rap battle Rap Skillza između Jantara i Randoma. Bore se za pobjednički lanac u...
Četvrti po redu singl KUKU$a i Shire Rodbine s EP-ja Drugo koljeno. Za beat je zaslužan Dazed Out. (more…)