Wu-Tang Manager’s Brother Murdered

Sad news just came in from Sacramento, California, as Damien Michael, a brother of Tareef Michael, Wu-Tang Clan‘s manager, was murdered at his home in cold blood.
The reason for this is still unknown but the suspect is identified as the 30-year-old Joshua Thomas Vaden (see photo below), who was already a wanted felon with a warrant out for his arrest. The Sacramento County Sheriff’s office is searching for the murderer and is seeking for help catch him. In case that someone has information on Joshua Vaden‘s whereabouts please dial +1 916-874-5115 and ask for Sacramento County Sheriff’s office.
Blackout Hip Hop sends condolences to the family of Damien Michael & the whole Wu-Tang.
Don’t forget that the whole Wu-Tang Clan will be at Sea Star Festival on May, 25th.
Via 93.1 KFBK & allhiphop.com.
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