Winners of ‘Koolade Beats Rocky MC contest’ announced!

Koolade Beats Rocky

Two months ago Koolade & launched a competition where the Croatian super producer gave artists worldwide a chance to add their flow to instrumentals from his album Koolade Beats Rocky. Now, after thoroughly reviewing songs from all of the artists who applied, both regional and international winners have been chosen:

International category winner: NIAMSON (USA)

Official Site


Regional category winners: JAY LEE (ZAGREB, CROATIA) & KONTRA (SARAJEVO, BIH)





Blackout Hip Hop would like to congratulate the winners and give thanks to everyone who participated in the competition. Both international & regional winners will all receive a beat from Koolade which they will be able to use in their upcoming projects.


Words from Koolade:

Thanks to everybody tryin to make this Koolade Beats Rocky experience more interesting! Thanks for all yur submissions! There’s been about a 50 of em from the Balkans region, Europe and the US. Listenin to all of em, we decided to split the contest in two categories.
The winner in the international category is a rapper and producer from NY called Niamson. His track Cruise Undercover is a definite winner! The vibe, the hook, the verses, it all comes so good together and makes it a dope song. The story dont end until the last unexpected verse comes in to resolve it. All in all, a vibed out, feelgood track that has everything that would make me put my name on it!
The local category ended up havin two winners!! Jay Lee “Prvi na redu” and Kontra “Izgasi”. Since we couldn’t decide on the winner, we let em split the throne. Jay Lee just sits on the track so well, and gives it a dope vibe. The hook is crazy and resonates with the beat so well! As a producer i appreciate this very much! Here and there, it could be a bit better lyrically, but the fun attitude makes you dont mind that at all. All in all the track got a strong drive, which makes it a great track I would spin in my sets. That classic rap!!
Kontra on the other hand kills with his lucid battle lyricism! You just gotta love his attitude! Just like any of the winners, he complements the beat, makin it a great track! I respect to hear a demo not sounding like a demo, but as something you would hear on an album for example. There were more of you with great demos, cool concepts, sharp lyrics, than just these three, but these were the ones I fell for!
Thanks again to everybody makin this project happen! And the demos you made, you are absolutely free to use em for your own promotional purposes. Share em, perform them, put em on YT, Soundcloud… whatever! I dont care, as long as you “keep my name” on it.
Hope you enjoyed rockin to my beats!


(Verziju teksta na hrvatskom jeziku potražite u nastavku posta)


Prije dva mjeseca Koolade & su pokrenuli natjecanje gdje je hrvatski super producent dao šansu izvođačima iz cijelog svijeta da dodaju svoj potpis instrumentalima s njegova albuma Koolade Beats Rocky. Nakon detaljnog pregleda svih pristiglih pjesama, odabrani su pobjednici u regionalnoj i međunarodnoj kategoriji:

Pobjednik u međunarodnoj kategoriji: NIAMSON (SAD)

Official Site


Pobjednici u regionalnoj kategoriji: JAY LEE (ZAGREB) & KONTRA (SARAJEVO)





Blackout Hip Hop čestita pobjednicima i hvala svima koji su sudjelovali. Koolade gore navedenoj trojki poklanja svoj beat za njihove buduće projekte.


Hvala svima koji su se potrudili da ovaj KBR projekt bude šareniji i interesantniji! Bilo je oko 50ak stvari iz regije, Europe i SAD. Slušajući sve to, odlučili smo contest podijelit u dve kategorije. Pobjednik internacionalne kategorije je rapper i producent iz NY, Niamson. Njegova stvar Cruise Undercover je uvjerljivi pobjednik! Stvar ima super vibe, od refrena do versova, pa sve do neočekivanog zadnjeg versa kao rasplet cijele priče. Stvar ima glavu i rep i definitivno bi stavio svoj potpis na ovakvo nešto!!
U domaćoj kategoriji imamo dva pobjednika! Jay Lee – Prvi na redu i Kontra – Izgasi. Imali smo problema odlučit koji od dvojice uzima pobjedu, pa odlučismo da podijele tron. Jay Lee je tako dobro sjeo na beat i dao mu vibe. Refren je odličan i totalno rezonira s beatom. Kao producent ovo jako cijenim! Lirika je na mjestima mogla bit bolja, ali taj pomalo komican stav ti sugerira ta to nije bed. Cijela stvar ima odličan drive i definitivno je nesto sto cu zavrtit u svom setu. Baš onaj classic rap!
Kontra s druge strane ima opasnu lucidnu liriku. Ne mozes da ti se ne svidja taj stav!! Isto kao i svi pobjednici komplementira beatu i daje mu dimenziju “pjesme”. Respektiram kad čujem da demo ne zvuči ko demo, več ko stvar. Bilo je još puno vas sa odličnim demoima i kul konceptima, dobrom lirikom, ali ovo troje su mi najbolje sjeli.
Hvala svima na sudjelovanju! Svoje demoe slobodno koristite u promocijske svrhe, stavite na YT, Soundcloud share-ajte, izvodite…
Nadam se da vam je bilo gušt rokat na moje beatove!