Video: Rapping With The Rappers (1984)
Directed by Sam Lee, this rare, publicly-funded 1984 documentary centered around pioneering radio disc jockey John “Mr. Magic” Rivas and his famous “Rap Attack” show on WBLS-FM is an engaging half hour sure to please old school rap fans, highlighted by thoughtful interviews and entertaining performances at Mr. Magic’s super rockin’ birthday party at Club Encore in Queens, NY. Appearing on stage are Divine Sounds, whose “What People Do For Money” gets the crowd hype, Mercedes Ladies’ Baby D a/k/a D’Bora doing “No Sense,” the Fearless Four blazing through their hit “Problems of the World,” and in what apparently is their first time performing in a front of a crowd, the Force M.D.’s give it all they got with a spirited rendition of their smash, “Let Me Love You.”
Source: egotrip