Video: O.S.T.R. & Hades – GOV

Today Polish rappers O.S.T.R. & Hades are releasing the sequel to their successful project from 2013 HAOS. HAO2 is a collection of 15 life stories created during the pandemic year 2020. The album is partially kept in a post-apocalyptic atmosphere, full of uncertainty, but there are also looser tracks that give hope for a better tomorrow. HAO2 is a contemporary album, the selection of songs basically lasted until the last moment, because O.S.T.R. & Hades recorded over 40 of them in total. The difficulty of choosing forced the authors to add an extra bonus EP to the album, with numbers that simply could not be avoided. HAO2 is not only a return of the cult cooperation, it is primarily a response to the modern world, it is a project “to refresh hearts”.

The video for GOV describes at best the atmosphere surrounding the recording of HAO2 . Check it out!