Video: Dig Of The Day Pt.II: Yo! MTV Raps Documentary


Yo! Somethin’ special for ya in today’s Pt.II. A documentary about greatest show of that kind on TV – Yo! MTV Raps, which ran from August 1988 to August 1995. On a real tip, Yo! MTV Raps produced a lively mix of rap videos, live studio performances on Fridays and interviews with rap stars, including lotta funny moments and constant realness that was present with Doctor Dre and Ed Lover on the inside and with Fab 5 Freddy on the outside.

The Yo! MTV Raps show was crucial in the late 1980’s to the spread of hip hop around the world. African-American and Latino style and sound was instantly available to millions of people through MTV Europe, MTV Asia, and MTV Latino. This helped to create an interest and worldwide appreciation of hip hop as a culture. I personally wish the documentary was a little more professional, deeper, longer and with better background music word up, cause there’s so much classic moments from this show it’s just crazy…
In future posts you’ll come across different treats from the Yo! MTV Raps era, but before that, since there’s just too much to write about this cultural phenomenon here, I strongly suggest to check this out to know what it’s all about. Yo!