Video: Beavis & Butthead In The New Mash-Up Video Of Method Man And Redman´s “Da Rockwilder”
Mylo the Cat aka Adam Schleichkorn, Video Project Manager at Driven Local and the creator of several mashups of Hip-Hop bangers with Muppet videos, has done it again. While not much is known about “Mylo,” over the years, the cool cat has seamlessly fused together visuals of Dr. Teeth performing as Wu-Tang Clan’s ODB, Gonzo performing as Digital Underground’s Humpty Hump, and many many more. Now, Mylo has brought together two of America’s most beloved duos.
Parting from the established trademark of using Muppet characters, for the most recent clip, Mylo turns to animation, using MTV’s iconic animated troublemakers Beavis and Butthead as the lead characters. They are used to channel the coolness of one Method Man and Redman, in performing Red and Meth’s classic “Da Rockwilder,” from their 1999 album ˝Blackout˝! Anthems tend to come and go, but Method Man and Redman‘s “Da Rockwilder” has proven to be a turn-up anthem for the new century, well after its 1999 debut. As you can see the video perfectly
synchs the two rapper’s vocals with the lip movements and gesticulations of the two cartoon pranksters. Beavis transforms into Redman, and Method Man gets to be Butthead.
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