The Crooklyn Dodgers: An Oral History

Spike Lee’s Crooklyn debuted in cinemas in May of 1994. Changing tact from the combustible racial commentary of Do the Right Thing and his political biopic of Malcolm X, Lee presented Crooklyn as a nostalgia-steeped series of familial vignettes centered on the Carmichael clan in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood in the early ’70s. The movie’s soundtrack reflected this vibe with songs by Curtis Mayfield, Sly Stone and The Staple Singers. The sole musical nod to Crooklyn’s era of release came from a rap track credited to The Crooklyn Dodgers, an impromptu super-group consisting of the Brooklyn-born rappers Buckshot, Masta Ace and Special Ed. (Production for the song came courtesy of A Tribe Called Quest’s Brooklyn-raised Ali Shaheed Muhammad and Queens ambassador Q-Tip.)
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