Soundsci – Hunger Pains

Library music is the crate digger’s manna; music that has never been commercially released, hence much harder to come across, providing obscure sample material for generations of producers. The Cavendish Music archive is one of the least chartered non-commercial music catalogues among producers.
In 2014 Cavendish Music welcomed a select group of five producers into their vinyl archive. SoundSci’s Jonny Cuba was one of the lucky few. Hunger Pains was originally recorded back then and released on a 10″, which sold out in a week. Thanks to veteran beatsmiths Jonny Cuba and Ollie Teeba (The Herbaliser), and their army of emcees: Audessey, Oxygen, UGeorge, Supastition, Emskee & Eddie Meeks here we have, My Boosey Weighs A Tonne, an album sampled wholly from the Cavendish archive. Cop it via bandcamp.
Via hiphop-thegoldenera.
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