R.I.P. J Dilla

Phat Phillie:
I had a chance to meet Jay Dee aka J Dilla twice in my lifetime. Unfortunately never took a picture with the brother. We met in LA back in 2000 at the Key Club i believe where Slum Village performed alongside Das Efx & Black Sheep. Dilla was DJ-ing for Slum but not on the decks, he was on the MPC, creating beats from the jump. Second time meeting Dilla was Berlin in 2003. He was working in the studio with Samy Deluxe & Afrob and so did we (Baby Dooks and myself). We all ended up producing that ASD record, which was a great look for us back than and it still is considering that Dilla was on the same LP. Remember seeing him working his magic on the MPC. I’ll never forget that.
R.I.P. J Dilla (February 7, 1974 – February 10, 2006)
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