Slum Village – Da Villa Chronicles (Part 1)
In Part 1 T3 and Elzhi speak on the critically acclaimed Fantastic Vol 1 and 2 album releases, and also...
In Part 1 T3 and Elzhi speak on the critically acclaimed Fantastic Vol 1 and 2 album releases, and also...
Hit continue reading to get a look at Kool G Rap's foreword. Via RR. (more…)
First leaks from the Relapse: Refill. Download: Eminem - Elevator Eminem - Buffalo Bill Via Ddotomen. UPDATE: Here's another one,...
Flyin' Cut Sleeves, completed in 1993, portrays street gang presidents in the Bronx. The project grew out of the experiences...
Copyright Criminals examines the creative and commercial value of musical sampling, including the related debates over artistic expression, copyright law,...
Ovotjednu emisiju Blackout možete skinuti ovdje, a playlistu provjerite u nastavku posta. (more…)
Prvi singl s nadolazećeg zajedničkog albuma Monopol. Download: Lud Feat. Struka - Bez Granice (prod. by Lud)
Mladi reper iz Bihaća, Priki, predstavlja nam pjesmu Kruh i Voda, drugi singl sa svog istoimenog nadolazećeg albuma. Sa svojim...
Continue reading for further information on individual members projects. (more…)
Ne propustite 16. rođendan.
In this Documentary style interview for Comcast channel 23 in Boston, Term speaks on his experiences in the music business,...
Download it here (clean version).
Album donosi 20 pjesama prožetih zagrebačkom tematikom a cijeli album odiše pravim hip hop zvukom i pokušava vratiti zagrebači rap...
The NY Daily News announced that City Lore and the Municipal Art Society will pay tribute to six spots in...