DJ Premier’s Live From HQ Podcast (18.12.09)
Here’s the last week’s episode of Live From Headqcourterz on Sirius XM satellite radio. Hit continue reading for the full...
Here’s the last week’s episode of Live From Headqcourterz on Sirius XM satellite radio. Hit continue reading for the full...
Ovotjednu emisiju Blackout možete skinuti ovdje, a playlistu provjerite u nastavku posta. (more…)
Before they performed @ Blackout's 16th Anniversary at Maraschino Bar, Masta Ace & Edo G stopped by Radio 101 for...
Lil Fats presents the Coast 2 Coast Mixtape Vol. 128 hosted By Snoop Dogg! Click here to download the mixtape...
Nastavljamo u darežljivom tonu! Dijelimo tri upada za ovaj super koncert za Božić! Sve što trebate napraviti je poslati nam...
BlackoutHipHop donosi još dobrih CD-a pod vaš bor. Ovog puta dijelimo vam dva primjerka novog Targetovog albuma. Nagradno pitanje glasi:...
Još jedna nagradna igra! Ovog puta dijelimo tri puta po dva upada na Bubbin' Dub party i to najbržima koji...
Magellano predstavlja svoju kolekciju originalnih cd-a. Posebnu pažnju posvećuje Wu Tang kolekciji, a iznosi i svoju listu od deset najdražih...
Here’s a bonus cut off Masta Ace and Ed O.G.’s iTunes exclusive Extra Entertainment, which features 6 tracks that didn’t...
Track produced by Ruck N Wiz. New eMC album coming out in 2010. Download the track here. Via 2dopeboyz.
Ova pjesma i materijal su rađeni za potrebe TV serije o korupciji i kriminalu u društvu 2007. Finalna verzija spota...
Here are some covers of singles, EP’s & albums with Koolade's productions on 'em. Continue reading for more… (more…)