Okayplayer Interview With Hot 97’s Ebro Darden

One year ago today, Hurricane Sandy forced Hot 97′s program manager Ebro Darden to step out of the production booth and pick up the microphone–and into a new role as an on-air personality. Since that time, has done everything from handle beef between Nicki Minaj and Hot97 jocks Peter Rosenberg and Funkmaster Flex–to talk legendary Old School At Noon DJ Mister Cee through multiple sex scandals. Live. On the air. Along the way he’s become the official-unofficial 3rd man on Cipha Sounds & Rosenberg’s Morning Show and firmly established himself as the adult in the room (most commonly referred to as ”Old Man Ebro”) at the nation’s foremost hip-hop radio station, the uncrowned king of the genre in the market “where hip-hop lives.”
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