Koolade – April (Album Stream)

Entering springtime couldn’t get better with the newest release from Krekpek Records. Yep, that’s right, our brother Koolade once again got widely recognized for his genius and was invited to do his magic for Figub Brazlevič’ record label.
You can guess it, the album April is all that. I’m feeling the Dilla-ish vibe that permeates throughout the album – heavy kicks and dominant snares, but smooth and soulful melodies that are perfect for kooling out and exercising your head nods. April is really a story on its own, and even though it is only 31 minutes, it doesn’t feel like it’s short as the satisfying aftertaste occupies you enough. Some would say that’s this is just another instrumental album, but it’s beyond that. Koolade is living up to his name and the album is nothing less than bliss.
Krekpek’s release library is richer by another awesomeness; no questions asked, no quarter given. Check it out here to stream or purchase it.
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