Interview With Detroit’s Very Own, Valid

Not too long after his exhilarating performance with DJ Head at Preach The Rič festival in Šibenik, Croatia, we’ve caught up with Valid, who kindly answered a few questions; about his Croatia experience, coming up in Detroit, and much more. The Detroit heavy-hitter continues to elevate his craft and prove his undeniable quality with fresh music releases and elating live shows. His latest LP, “Peach Brandy” was released to international acclaim, bringing a truly unique flavor of Hip-Hop to the world.


First and foremost, Preach The Rič, your very first international performance. What impressions have you been left with after the show, are you satisfied with how it turned out?

I’m very satisfied. Everyone at the festival treated me with open arms. It was amazing to see how many people were familiar with my music, and even those who were not familiar with my work still embraced me after I got off stage. The other acts who were on the bill were very respectful and to me and DJ Head, it was amazing. I would love to come back and do it again.


How was your Croatia experience outside of the performance? Have you had a chance to explore a bit?

I sure did, we went to the islands, got seafood, swam in the Adriatic Sea, ate oysters straight out the Adriatic… It was an amazing experience. It was like paradise.


Valid & DJ Phat Phillie


Could you tell us more about how you got connected with the plethora of artists from this side of the world?

It all started with J. Dilla’s mom many years ago. When we got close, she found out I was Serbian and immediately told me there is a guy named Vlada Stojanović in Serbia, who she trusts with the Dilla’s likeness, and he is involved in anything Dilla related in the Balkans. So, me and Vlada became very close friends. Then in 2019, I released an album named “Mihajlo,” and I think it sparked an interest with Hip-Hop heads from Eastern Europe. Especially after Ghostface shared on the album on social media. So, I always wanted to do a Balkan themed project, I reached out to Vlada, who then hooked me up with Phat Phillie, and then came the “Plum Brandy EP” in 2020, and now we have the sequel, “Peach Brandy.”


The sequel, your latest full-length album, “Peach Brandy“ doubles down and broadens upon its 2020 predecessor, “Plum Brandy EP.“ The way it “matures“ within its runtime, just like a brandy, is outstanding. Are you happy with how the project turned out as a whole?

Thank you! And yes, absolutely satisfied. If I wasn’t I would still be working on it until I was.


Valid – Peach Brandy


What were the reactions around Detroit to your unique style honoring your Balkan heritage when you first came out?

People in Detroit love it. I think they appreciate that I appreciate my background. I’m not ashamed of it, I don’t bury it away so I can seem more American or something. I think it makes me different and not another “white rapper” or something. It adds to the character of my work, and it plays an extra element in the experience that one will have when digging into my discography. It’s an extra dynamic that I think only a few other Hip-Hop artist really have or lean into.


There are obviously many cultural differences between the United States and the Balkan region, however, have you noticed any similarities between the two?

Well, my experience in the Balkans was only a few days in Šibenik, so it’s hard to compare. But, I would say everyone is just trying to make something of themselves, just like anywhere in the world.


How has your tightly-knit collaboration with the legendary DJ Head came to be?

There was a Hip-Hop night back in the day called 5e Gallery. Back in like 09’, maybe 08’… I was standing outside cyphering and he heard me and took a liking to me. When I discovered who he was it kind of blew my mind. I know of DJ Head, but I didn’t really know what he looked like, and I was new on the scene at the time. Over the years our bond through music just became greater and greater.


Valid & DJ Head


Take us back to the very beginning, do you remember when you first discovered your love of Hip-Hop, what made you fall in love with it?

I liked rap music when I was a little kid, but the moment I truly fell in love with Hip-Hop was when I discovered Biggie Smalls on the radio. His flow, voice, lyrics, it blew me away and changed my life forever.


Do you have any plans to return to Europe soon?

I can’t speak too much about that right now because nothing is official. But I hope to see The Balkans before the year is up.


Before signing off, would you like to share a message with all the people who love your music? 

Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting and thank you for letting me live a one in a million experience through my journey in Hip-Hop. And most importantly, thank you for the time and attention you devoted to my art. There are a billion musicians in the world, so I do not take for granted any time you spent listening to me. Hvala!



Huge thanks to Valid, as well! Be sure to check out his discography, bursting with sensational Hip-Hop tunes, on Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube or any one of your preferred major DSP’s.

To get his outstanding LP, “Peach Brandy,” on vinyl or cassette, as well as other dope merch, visit Valid’s official shop!