Grandmaster Flash Live @ The Garden Brewery 19.11.2017
Legendarni Grandmaster Flash dolazi u Zagreb i odsvirati će live show u The Garden Brewery.
Više informacija:
Grandmaster Flash, legendarni DJ, inovator, pionir, i jedan od kreatora i temelja hip-hop kulture dolazi u The Garden Brewery u nedjelju 19. studenog 2017. Njegova turneja “Hip Hop, People, Places and Things” vodi ga na put po Europi i SAD-u, a jedina postaja u regiji je Zagreb gdje će predstaviti ekskluzivni audio-video nastup. U prodaji je ograničen broj ulaznica.
Dolazeći iz južnog Bronxa ranih 70-ih, Grandmaster Flash je neosporno jedan od najvećih inovatora hip-hopa. U ranin danima žanra, manipulirao je glazbom tako što bi stavio prste na vinil ploču, začetnik je tehnike miksanja i scratchanja, usavršio je beat looping, te otkrio mnoge legendarne beatove koji se i dan danas koriste u glazbi, stoga ne čudi da ga je New York Times nazvao prvim virtuozom hip-hopa. Grandmaster Flash je najpoznatiji po radu sa svojom grupom Furious Five, a njihov inovativni album prvijenac “The Message” je uveo hip-hop kao sredstvo komentiranja društvenih situacija.
Grandmaster Flash donosi svoj sjajni live show, prvu interaktivnu vizualnu povijest hip-hop block partyja u zagrebački kvart Žitnjak. Glazba 70-ih je pogonila probitak hip-hopa, a mnogo utjecaja iz tog vremena se izgubilo. S pristupom arhivski master snimkama, fotografijama, videima većine izdavačkih kuća, show koji donosi Grandmaster Flash je slavlje najformativnijeg razdoblja žanra.
U prodaji je ograničen broj ulaznica po cijeni od 150 kuna u sustavu
Grandmaster Flash, innovator, pioneer, and one of the creators of Hip-Hop music, is coming to The Garden Brewery on Sunday, November 19th. His tour “Hip Hop, People, Places and Things” is taking him on a road to Europe and USA with the only stop in this region being Zagreb on an exclusive live audio-video show with tickets being on a limited capacity.
Emerging from the South Bronx in the early 1970s, Grandmaster Flash is inarguably one of Hip Hop’s original innovators. In the earliest days of the genre, he manipulated music by placing his fingers on the vinyl, invented mixing and scratching, perfected beat looping, and discovered many of the most iconic beats still commonly sampled today. It’s no surprise that The New York Times calls him Hip Hop’s first virtuoso. He is best known alongside his group the Furious Five, while their innovative album, “The Message” introduced hip-hop as a source of social commentary.
He is bringing his amazing live show, the first ever interactive, visual, history of hip hop block party, to Zagreb’s industrial block Žitnjak. The music of the 1970s fueled the rise of Hip Hop, but much of that decade’s influence has been lost to time. With access to archival master recordings, images, and videos from the vaults of the major record labels, Grandmaster Flash’s live show is a celebration of Hip Hop’s most formative decade.
Tickets are on a limited capacity for the price of 150 HRK via
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