Fresh Island Festival @ Zrće Beach (Pag, Croatia)

(Press release na hrvatskom potražite u nastavku posta.)
Pioneers of the hip-hop & r’n’b scene in Croatia and several countries in the region, including internationally known european promoter, DJ Phat Phillie, croatian hip hop ambassador, DJ and creative artist Bizzo Bodega, event manager Damir Stupnišek Stupni and PR expert and R’N’B promoter Adnan Mehmedović Medo – have teamed up in “A4” organization to introduce
international audience to: ”FRESH ISLAND”. The newest, freshest and also first specialized r’n’b and hip-hop festival in the region.
After more than 1000 events organized in Croatia & throughout Europe, with the great promoting, event, marketing and artistic experience and over 150 successfully organized concerts, performances of locally and internationally renowned artists including Busta Rhymes, 50 Cent, Redman & Method Man, Montell Jordan, The Brand New Heavies, DJ Premier, Jazzy Jeff, Blackstreet, Pete Rock, Onyx, Ghostface Killah, MOP and many others – the A4 team have decided to create FRESH ISLAND FESTIVAL, the first of its kind in a wider region.
Frauenfeld Festival in Switzerland started way back in 1985, and today it gathers over 100 performers on 10 different stages, and over 80.000 visitors each year , coming from all over the world. Throughout the years Frauenfeld Festival have hosted impressive number of international acts including Jay-Z, Kanye West, Eminem and Snoop Dogg. Czech Republic festival Hip-Hop Kemp is right next to Fraunenfeld and perhaps the second most known hip-
hop festival in Europe to which enviable names respond every year such as The Roots, Redman etc. Following the example of these two mega-festivals, but again in a different and more unique form because the entire action takes place on a beautiful Adriatic coast, this summer the audience will be able to enjoy their idol’s performances in a slightly different musical atmosphere than the one they are accustomed to visiting other festivals.
Let your first escape to ultimate summer fun in 2012 start at the weekend between the 5th-8th of July, when the world’s popular Croatian beach Zrće and highly rated and recognized clubs Papaya and Aquarius will host some of the best regional and international r’n’b and hip hop acts on 3 powerfull stages surrounded by one of the kind ambient of croatian Island of Pag, known for it’s natural beauties, sunny weather, crystal clear sea and stunning sandy beaches. Countdown to this unique r’n’b and hip-hop Festival will kick off with FRESH ISLAND European promo tour from which we highlight promo show at ”FRESH ISLAND Stage” within Exit organized festival ”BIG SNOW” on Mount Kopaonik (Serbia). ‘FRESH ISLAND’ stage will host Ms. Dynamite (Brit Awards, Mobo Awards winner), DJ Phat Phillie, DJ Bizzo Bodega and a few
suprise guests.
The first announcements of the Fresh Island line-up, as well as the official start of ticket selling are set for February, with limited edition of ”Die Hard Fan” and ”Early Bird” tickets offering best promo prices for the quickiest party goers. Zagreb audience will have the opportunity to dance to exclusive DJ Sets on a total of four Fresh Island Promo parties in Zagreb during which they
will be also able to win their own Festival ticket at the spot.
Pioniri R’n’B i Hip-Hop scene u Hrvatskoj ali i šire regije, ugledni internacionalni promotor i DJ Phat Phillie, hrvatski hip-hop ambasador i kreativni izvođač Bizzo Bodega iz Bolesne braće, poznati event manager Damir Stupnišek Stupni te PR stručnjak i promotor R’n’B kulture Adnan Mehmedović-Medo udružili su snage u A4 konzorcij kako bi hrvatskoj, regionalnoj i internacionalnoj publici predstavili novi, prvi i svježi r’n’b i hip-hop festival- Fresh Island Festival.
Nakon više od 1000 organiziranih događaja u Hrvatskoj, bogatog promotorskog, event/marketing i artističkog iskustva te preko 150 uspješno odrađenih koncerata , nastupadomaćih i internacionalnih priznatih umjetnika (Grammy nagrađivanih) poput Busta Rhymes, Redman & Method Man, Montell Jordan, Nina Sky, DJ Premier, Jazzy Jeff, Blackstreet, DJ Tony Touch, Onyx, Ghostface Killah, MOP i mnogi drugih – konzorcij A4 odlučio je predstaviti Fresh Island Festival , prvi festival takvogtipa u široj regiji. Prvi sličan festival nalazi se u Češkoj „Hip-Hop Kemp“, odnosno „Frauenfeld“ u Švicarskoj.
Švicarski Frauenfeld potiče još iz daleke 1987.g. i danas okuplja preko 100 izvođača na 10 različitih pozornica, te 100 000 gostiju iz čitavog svijeta. Kroz svoje festivalsko postojanje, Frauenufeld je ugostio najveće svjetske hip-hop ikone poput Jay-Z, Kanye West, Eminem i Snoop Dogg-a.Češki Hip-Hop Kemp je drugi najveći r’n’b i hip-hop festival na svijetu sa zavidnim imenima koja nastupaju na njemu poput The Roots, Redman i dr. Po uzoru na ta dva mega festivala, ali opet drugačiji i jedinstveniji jer se čitava radnja zbiva na našoj prekrasnoj obali, publika će već ovo ljeto moći uživati u svojim idolima i malo drugačijem glazbenom ozračju na kakvo niste navikli na hrvatskim festivalima.
Neka onda vaš prvi bijeg na more u 2012. bude vikend između 5.-8. srpnja kada će na sada već svjetski popularnoj plaži Zrće, u klubovima Papaya i Aquarius, na 3 pozornice predstaviti mnoga poznata domaća i svjetska imena r’n’b i hip-hop scene. Odbrojavanje za prvi r’n’b i hip-hop festival započet će europskom Fresh Island Festival promo turnejom iz koje izdvajamo nastup i pozornicu u sklopu Exitovog (Exit tim) zimskog festivala Big Snow na planini Kopaonik. Na najvećem zimskom festivalu u regiji Big Snow-u, u sklopu pozornice Fresh Island nastupit će Ms. Dynamite (Brit Award, Mobo Award), DJ Phat Phillie, Bizzo Bodega i gosti. Zagrebačka publika će zaplesat u Fresh ritmu na sveukupno četiri Fresh Island party-ija u Zagrebu u sklopu kojih će moći osvojiti svoj primjerak ulaznice.
Prve objave imena izvođača najavljena su za mjesec veljaču kada će krenut i službena pretprodaja ulaznica, najprije „Die Hard Fan“ i „Early Bird“ u limitiranim izdanjima namijenjenim samo za najveće fanove po najpristupačnijim cijenama. Ulaznice dostupne od četvrtka 2. veljače u sustavu Eventima ( ili putem Papaya web shop-a.
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