Diggy – Past Presents Future (Mixtape)

Diggy Simmons releases new mixtape. Hosted by DJ Premier.
With ‘Shook Ones,’ me and my dude Rashid just really strategized everything music-wise,” Diggy said. “We’re tight, everything we think about [is] on the same mindset. We had the idea of doing the Past Presents Future mixtape and we decided to go with ’90s and ’80s classic beats to [rhyme] over and some of them are flipped. The mixtape is gonna be hosted by the legendary DJ Premier.
Hit continue reading for the tracklist & download link.
1.DJ Premier Intro
2.Digg Is Like
3.Risin’ To The Top
4.DJ Premier (Break 2)
5.Shook Ones Pt. 3
6.Wake Up (Interlude 1)
7.DJ Premier (Break 3)
8.Electric Relaxation
9.Paid In Full
10.Elevator Music (Interlude 2)
11.Shut Em’ Down
12.Cypher (Continued…)
13.DJ Premier Outro
Download: Diggy – Past Presents Future (Mixtape)
Via DJPremierBlog.