Dig Of The Day: TOP 20 Posts According to Readers Opinion / TOP 20 Postova prema Mišljenju Čitatelja

Since we marked the 200th Dig Of The Day three days ago here on Blackout, I’d like to present you the TOP 20 Dig Of The Day posts, according to your valuable opinion. We rollin’ strong for the next 200 and will continue to provide that real sh*t to you and yours. With a shovel in his hand, written, presented and edited by Soma. Click on Continue Reading to see the whole list plus every title is linked so you can see the original post of each one.
Pošto smo obilježili 200.-ti Dig Of The Day prije 3 dana ovdje na Blackoutu, htio bih vam predstaviti TOP 20 Dig Of The Day postova prema vašem cijenjenom mišljenju. Rolamo snažno za idućih 200 i nastavljamo sa opskrbom pravih stvari. Sa lopatom u ruci, piše. predstavlja i uređuje – Soma. Kliknite na Continue Reading da vidite sve u cijelosti plus svaki naslov je linkan tako da možete vidjeti originalni post pojedinačno.
1. Tram 11 – Za 10 Godina (2000)
Riječ je o povijesnoj grupi koja je u našim krajevima i šire, legendarna do te mjere da će vjerojatno jednom (ako ne budemo njegovali prošlost i kulturu te ako svojoj djeci i unucima ne ostavimo znanje, CD-e, kazete i vinile koji neće nestati sa hard diska samo tako), ime TRAM 11 postati mit, mitologija hrvatskog Hip-Hopa.
Drago mi je da sada mogu biti tu i pisati o nečemu uz šta sam odrastao te da su legende poput Generala Woo-a, Target-a, Phat Phillie-a, Koolade-a, Baby Dooks-a, Dash-a, Stupni-a, Frx-a, Nereda i Stoke, TBF-a, Renmana, gospodina Slavina Balena, Elementala i ostalih još uvijek tu sa nama as we speak! Danas je riječ o emotivnoj i iskrenoj traci koju smo svi čuli barem 2-3 puta u životu, traci koja nas je natjerala da malo razmislimo – Za 10 Godina.
Ima jedan zanimljiv stih od Woo-a – “priča dvojice igrača što su bili k’o braća” – na temelju kojeg sada možete dobiti feeling kao da je Woo to predvidio tada…
Pjesma je sa kultnog albuma Vrućina Gradskog Asfalta, albuma koji je ostavio trag na svakome tko ga je čuo, kroz svojih 20ak pjesama intimne produkcije sa posebnim vibe-om, u posebno vrijeme, jedne ne tako davne ere.
Produced by Koolade
2. Nered & Stoka ft. Nuzpojave – Kak Je Bilo Prije (1999)
Kak Je Bilo Prije je klasik i to kakav, sa odličnim “reminisce” instrumentalom od Frx-a i klasičnim bezvremenskim versovima Nereda i Nuzpojava. Traka je sa tvrdog i nezaboravnog utjecajnog prvog albuma Nereda i Stoke Spremni Za Rat. Album je izbačen na cd-u i kazeti, sada relativno davne dobre stare ’99.-e na HR labelu Kondorcomm te je ubrzo našao put ka našim walkmanima, Philips i Sony discmanima, kazićima i hi-fi sustavima.
Shoutout za Nereda, Stoku, Frx-a, Nuzpojave, Bizzu, Shot-a, Baby Dooks-a i ostatak ekipe koja je radila na albumu.
3. Video: Siky – Jah Bless / Session NO.4 (2015)
JAH! Ostao sam ugodno iznenađen kad mi je moj čovjek Tone poslao ovo te je odmah bilo jasno da ovo ide na Dig Of The Day da podijelim sa vama.
Siky, naš čovjek iz Vinkovaca, izbacio je odličan session prepun homage-a i referenci na Hip-Hop devedesetih sa debelim flowom i flavalicious textom… Buraz moj, te devedesete, zvuk koji će ostat tu i nakon fallouta jer ovo je za trezore. Kak’ je rek’o moj čovjek Darth Vader, sve je prštalo od kreativnosti.. Od textova, beatova, kvalitete, originalnosti i energije! Nevjerojatno..
Shoutout Štibi, TBOu, Lozi, Neci, Bosni, Mislavu, i Krpici w/ Maja koji su pomogli da ovo ispadne pro sh*t. Iza kamere su Tom Bošnjak (TBO) i Josip Štiburek koji je odradio i montažu. Instrumental: Poor Righteous Teachers / Word Iz Life (Ezo Brown Instrumental) (1996)
4. Video: Phantom Raa – Session 43000 (2015)
Moj čovjek, homie from da hood Phantom Raa, izbacio je novi session sniman u okolici Bjelovara naziva Session 43000. Audio i video je kućna produkcija.
Rokanje preko Pitch Black – Show and Prove (1998) instrumentala, ukomponirano u klasične vizuale i kvalitetnu briju naših ljudi iz geta.
Geta buraz.
Video – Shah Man
Montaža – 43GANG STUDIO
5. J.G. – Gotta Get Cha Props (1992)
Vault material that marked the 200th Dig Of The Day.
We have a unique track titled Gotta Get Cha Props from J.G., an underground Hip-Hop group from Chicago who made a 5-track demo tape in ’92, with 2 tracks off the tape being released on a 12″ in ’92 on CMC Records (the label released only 3 singles and an album from 1991 – 2009) and in ’93 they released a 12″ single for a non-demo tape track.
When I heard Gotta Get Cha Props recently for the first time, I was amazed how “a song” can surprise me so beautifully after 20+ years listenin’ to Hip-Hop and 10+ years diggin’ in the cratez… Definitely something that happens very rare, headz know the feeling.
Produced and arranged by Rick Starr.
Light it up, pump it up and enjoy.
6. Video: 2Pac Yo MTV Raps Interview (1992-1993)
We have an interview by Fab 5 Freddy with the legendary 2Pac , walkin’ and chillin in the streets, 2Pac talkin’ a bit about himself and later on in the studio hangin’ out with heads like Coolio, Mc Breed, Mack 10 and others plus a crazy freestyle from 2Pac.
There’s also a dope freestyle from Coolio in the same studio which is also here but unfortunately censored and very short.
7. Video: Special Ed – Neva Go Back (1995)
Sh*t from another world man, Special Ed goes hard in his unique style on this classic titled Neva Go Back. This outta space track is off his 3rd album Revelations, released on Profile in ’95. He’s a member of Crooklyn Dodgers with Buckshot and Masta Ace.
Produced by Howie Tee, whose production is in effect since ’85 and who worked with cats like Chubb Rock, Real Roxanne, ESP, Heavy D, Color Me Badd and others.
Directed by Omar Epps.
8. Earthquake – My Business (1994)
With this lovely track at hand, I’d like to welcome you to our new column – Dig Of The Day, by Tone and our soon to join editor Soma. Here by we present to you, that rare, beautiful and gritty Hip Hop from the 90s, dug up under a pile of rocks. Classic boom bap for the heads.
This track here is performed by rapper Earthquake, who was signed to indie label Greymont Records back in 1994 for the 9.9 Richter Scale album. This sweet gem was uploaded to YouTube by Shamrock Hip Hop and now I suggest you take the time and enjoy it.
9. Jeru The Damaja – Me, Not The Paper (1997)
A serious material from Brooklyn legend Jeru The Damaja. Take a listen to some interesting point of views from Jeru, which is apparently a remix of Me Or The Papes track from his 2nd album Wrath Of The Math.
Me, Not The Paper appears on Me Or The Papes 12″ single released in ’97 on Payday and later on as a part of DJ Premier – Rare & Unreleased Joints Vol. 2 from 2007. There’s another pretty dope and hard Jeru track which lyrics ring true in 2015 I’ll be postin’ soon.
Produced by P-P-P-Premier.
10. Video: Beastie Boys On Yo! MTV Raps (1989)
We have a great Yo! MTV Raps video of Beastie Boys with Fab 5 Freddy chillin’ on the streets and foolin’ around in their own unique style.
Vintage goodness, no introduction needed.
11. The First Sons - Rejection (1992)
In case you just tuned in, Dig Of The Day section on Blackout is about the real rap music, music with a feeling, with soul, with beauty, with strength, idea, emotion, devotion, creativity, positivity, something timeless, sometimes very rare, sometimes a bit known, something to listen to ’till the break ‘a dawn. Only the music from the depths of a soul will be posted for our delight. This is Hip-Hop, many people have the completely wrong concept of a true inner Hip-Hop feeling and idea. You’re at the right place at the right time and you’re more than welcome to meet the truest vibes of a culture.
Today we have a rare and very hard to find material comin’ from Richmond, Virginia, a track called Rejection by a group named The First Sons. Rejection is off a mini-EP called The Coming released on cassette and vinyl on Original Records in 1992.
Written, arranged and performed by Jay Quan & Divine.
Mad props and credit goes to misi deák for uploading this.
12. Video: Unity ’98 – Fajn Spika (1998)
Unity ’98 je projekt koji je 1998. godine okupio vodeće umjetnike iz svih područja zagrebačke hip hop scene (MC-e, DJ-e, breakere, writere, producente) u svrhu promoviranja hip hop kulture u Hrvatskoj. Sa istim ciljem organiziran je i veliki Unity festival na kojem su nastupili izvođači iz cijele zemlje, a čija je himna bila pjesma Fajn Spika, za koju je snimljen i ovaj spot. Pjesma je kasnije objavljena na kompilaciji Hip Hop Generacija 2000.
Unity ’98 su:
MC’s – Shot, Target, Nuzpojave, West Side Clicc
DJ – Fresh Jay
Producenti – Maniac & C-Fact
B-Boys – Megablast
Graffity – Gene
Organizator projekta – Gordan Križaj
Video by – Tomislav Pović
Snimljeno u Zagrebu, 1998.
Jedna uspomena, jedna ljubav!
– Ante “Tayo” Dalbello (Nuzpojave) 1981-2008
Dok se ne sretnemo opet!
13. Big L – Timez Iz Hard (1994)
Something ill from the well known Big L with probably a little less known track called Times Iz Hard. Among 3 others, Timez Iz Hard missed the retail album Lifestylez Ov Da Poor & Dangerous released in 1995.
The track can be heard on Promo Cassette tape Lifestylez Ov Da Poor & Dangerous, released on Columbia Records in 1994.
Produced by – Buckwild and Lord Finesse.
14. Ice-T – 6 ‘N The Mornin’ (1987)
A pure classic, Ice T‘s 6 ‘N The Mornin‘. Originally released in 1986 as the B-side of Dog ‘N the Wax (Ya Don’t Quit-Part II), with a slighly different title – 6 In The Mornin’ – a track considered to be one of the defining tracks of the gangsta rap genre. 1986 version is about 3 and a half minutes shorter than the 1987 album version.
Midnight, from Ice T‘s 1991 album O.G. Original Gangster, is a prequel of 6 In The Mornin’. Midnight ends with the lyric “Looked at my watch, it was six in the morning,” and 6 In the Mornin‘ opens with the lyric, “Six in the morning, police at my door.”
Produced by Big Beat Productions, as credited on Dog ‘N the Wax (Ya Don’t Quit-Part II) 12″ single while Rhyme Pays album version credits go to Afrika Islam.
15. Video: Heltah Skeltah – Operation Lockdown (1996)
This is one for Sean Price.
Operation Lockdown is from their 1st album Nocturnal, released on Priority Records in 1996.
16. Target – Glavni Plan (2003)
Stara Targetova stvar koju sam čuo negdje 2004 te ju svako malo zavrtim, klasik je klasik i mo’š ga j…. Stvar se zove Glavni Plan i nalazi se na prvom solo Targetovom MC (Demo) albumu iz 2003.
Props to ChozenOne, posudio sam njegove sljedeće uvodne riječi stare recenzije Targetovog MC albuma.
Kako kaže Target, “A riječi su, totalno nepotrebne za ovo”. I to je istina, jer već na samom početku ovog albuma u freestylu iz ’96-te Target pokazuje da je tada bolje freestylao nego što sada dobar dio današnjih emceea repa svoje tekstove uživo. I to je to i to je tak. Mnogi ljudi izvan Zagreba ne vole njegov prepoznatljiv ZG stil, ali nitko mu ne može poreći da je jedan jedini najutjecajniji emcee u povijesti hrvatskog hip hopa.
Čovjek koji je učio gomilu emceea repati, još više njih su ga kopirali u početku svojih karijera, a tek koliko njih je ostalo inspirirano njegovim stilom… Od ’96-te do sada, puno se toga promjenilo, ali jedno ostaje konstanta: Target može odrat novi šupak praktički bilo kojem emceeu na Balkanu sa svojim flowom i on jednostavno jest MC, jedan od malobrojnih koji se s punim pravom mogu nazvati tim nazivom.
Props to Sjena187 za upload.
Producirao Deda.
17. Video: Beat Street (The Roxy Battle) (1984)
A brilliant clip from the legendary Hip-Hop movie called Beat Street, the classic Roxy Battle between NYC Breakers and Rock Steady Crew. I highly recommend Beat Street if you haven’t watched it. It has that Hip-Hop freshness like few others.
Background music by Boston’s highly influential producer/dj/remixer/musician, Arthur Baker‘s 1984 track Breaker’s Revenge.
18. Video: 2Pac Live At The Source Awards (1994)
A dope and energetic live ’94 performance of 2pac at The Source Awards (the best version I could find in terms of audio-visual), who was anxious to perform and at some point he went backstage to the soundman and gave him his DAT tape, the tape started and he ran on stage at the same time when Q-Tip and some other folks were accepting an award.
The music just blared on and he ran out on stage with his guys and started performing. Out On Bail was the first planned single from the album. Originally a part of 1993 Out On Bail (Demo), which was a combination of songs meant for Thug Life Out On Bail original release but was rejected 2 times by Interscope Records and it never came to fruition. I heard the recorded demo version and it ain’t even close to the live performance. This is where it’s at.
19. Keith Murray – The Rhyme (Jay Dee Remix – 1996)
Another great remix, for Keith Murray‘s track The Rhyme which appears on his 2nd album Enigma, released in 1996. One of the greatest lyricists in the game since he started back in ’93.
Keith is a member of Def Squad, along with Redman, Jamal, and Erick Sermon.
Produced by Jay Dee (RIP)
20. Video: Main Source Live At Yo! MTV Raps (1992)
A great live perfomance of Fakin’ The Funk track on YO! MTV Raps by Large Professor and Neek The Exotic who goes so hard I had to rewind his parts a few times, sick.
Make sure to turn up the volume ’cause the audio in the video isn’t top notch but hey, VHS is in the hizzy. Produced by Main Source.
21. This one is a little surprise bonus from the vaults that wasn’t featured on Dig Of The Day. Enjoy.
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