Dig Of The Day: Latta Dee – Straight From The Street (1991)

We have a gem today, a pure gem buried deeper than E.T. for Atari 2600 in New Mexico. After spinnin’ the track a few times I concluded that an individual listening to this should feel grateful and honored on a real tip.
Probably from Compton, a skilled female emcee Latta Dee, released an untitled EP on tape in ’91 which contains 4 tracks with today’s Straight From The Street being one of them. Probably a very little number of tapes were made since none of the CrO2 tapes has a barcode and not many seen before except one copy sold on ebay 4 years ago and a copy sold 5 months ago on discogs.
Produced by Latta Dee and Tony Cowan.
Mad props and respect to 91 xor6ist for the upload.
Sh*t is real.
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