D-Nice Interview for The Mick Show
Fueled by Culture introduced its latest installment to its network, The MICK Show, launched in partnership with MAXIM. Hosted by Mick Batyske, music connoisseur, DJ, and serial investor, Mick brings listeners behind the curtain as they receive behind-the-scenes stories and learn key life lessons from some of culture’s most prominent creators, movers & shakers, and risk-takers. To kick off Season 1, Mick conversed with his long time friend and one of the most preeminent DJs in pop culture, D-Nice . They discussed the surprising origin of the largest virtual parties on Instagram Live, commonly known as Club Quarantine. The two musical visionaries also shared how their mission as DJs has evolved and how each of their personal lives have been repaved post-pandemic.
Listen to the interview here.
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