Cedric Muhammad teams with AllHipHop for new blog

Today marked the launch of a new weekly blog series on AllHipHop.com by Hip-HopPreneur, Cedric Muhammad. The industry changes almost daily and each week Cedric’s blog will speak to the issues and happenings within and around the music industry that affect all of us; from the people working behind the scenes, to the artists themselves and of course, the consumer. Using his years of experience as General manager to Hip-Hop legends, Wu-Tang Clan and unique insight as both a financial and political analyst and advisor, each week Cedric will discuss the industry’s issues and happenings and share, from his perspective, those decisions from a behind-the-scenes point of view.
Read the rest of the statement after jump.
The hope is that AllHipHop’s audience will find the commentaries both entertaining and enlightening and he welcomes everyone reading them to share their own points of view in the comments section. The marriage of Cedric Muhammad’s years of expertise both in the fields of music management and as a political and monetary strategist, with AllHipHop.com’s 11 year veteran status within the realm of Hip-Hop news and web entertainment is an exciting one and all involved look forward to a successful association.
“From the block to the boardroom everyone has felt the influence of ‘the world’s most dangerous site,’ AllHipHop.com. I’m honored to partner with this prestigious platform to grow the Hip-Hoppreneur ™ movement.” Cedric said of his new blog. “Chuck and Grouchy Greg are the embodiment of the type of entrepreneurs that Hip-Hop needs more of. Each week I intend to apply insights through the lens of economics, entrepreneurship and geopolitics designed to evolve the culture, industry and generation toward innovative business models, power brokering, effective activism and a more mature artistic expression. The time demands that we perfectly marry these three elements – money, maturity and movement. My blog-essay and audio commentary at AllHipHop.com will have this sharp focus.”
AllHipHop.com CEO, Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur shared his enthusiasm for this editorial contribution with these words. “I am truly excited to have Cedric Muhammad on board as a Hip-Hoppreneur columnist that will help offer insight to the inner workings of the business of Hip-Hop. I have followed him and his writings for several years as AllHipHop.com has grown through the years. This column is a refreshing mix of education, insight and entertainment that I believe will promote a new postive approach to the music business”
AllHipHop Co-founder, Grouchy Greg added, “We are looking forward to the articles Cedric Muhammad will bring to AllHipHop.com for our readership. I have been reading his writing for quite some time through his BlackElectorate.com website. Although he contributed to AllHipHop.com in the past, we look forward to his presence on AllHipHop.com on a regular basis going forward.”
Cedric’s first blog installment, “50 Cent’s Ultimate Challenge; How to Market Beanie Sigel” has been up for two days and the feedback is already tremendous. Revered Hip-Hop historian, Davey D, who has been offering his wisdom on the meeting of Hip-Hop and politics for years, shared his support, by saying, “This marriage of AllHipHop.com’s brand and audience with Cedric’s perspectives and insights is incredible! I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes and the fire and change this could bring to the culture and industry. As a former manager for Wu-Tang, AHH’s audience will benefit greatly from Cedric’s wisdom.”
Cedric Muhammad is a business consultant, political strategist and monetary economist. He is a former General Manager of Wu Tang Management and the author of The Entrepreneurial Secret: Starting A Business Without A Bank Loan, Collateral or Revenue (http://www.theEsecret.com/). His weekly talk show can be heard each Wednesday from 12 to 5 PM (est) at Cedricmuhammad.com. Cedric can be contacted by email at cedric(at)cmcap.com
For 11 years now, AllHipHop.com has been the #1 online destination for Hip-Hop news, reviews, rumors and industry insights. AllHipHop.com is the world’s most visited Hip-Hop/urban website and attracts an average of 5 million visitors per month. AllHipHop.com is the brainchild of “Grouchy” Greg Watkins and Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur. The website was launched in 1998 and has become the premier Hip-Hop/urban news provider on the web. The site features daily updates, interviews, industry rumors, reviews and an active community, sharing news and views of their own. Sources as varied as CNN, The Associated Press, The O’Reilly Factor, XXL Magazine, VIBE and the New York Daily News all regularly use AllHipHop.com’s pages. Since 1998, the site has also been an innovator in the mobile field, delivering daily news alerts to over 200,000 music industry taste makers and Hip-Hop lovers’ phones and emails. AllHipHop is continuing to be on the cutting edge of mobile, with a popular WAP site and soon to be launched iPhone application. The independently owned site has grown organically and reached a place where is rivals several of the top sites on the Internet, including BET.com, MTV.com and others. With AllHipHop Week, AllHipHop.com was the first urban site to expand its reach outside the internet.
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