Video: Will Sessions – Mix Takes: Take Two
Will Sessions impressed many with the meticulous craftsmanship of their studio re-workings of the classic tracks for "The Elmatic Instrumentals."...
Will Sessions impressed many with the meticulous craftsmanship of their studio re-workings of the classic tracks for "The Elmatic Instrumentals."...
The last we heard of First Serve it was 3am in a Parisian suburb at an out of control house...
Dope. Via Stones Throw.
This rare documentary was broadcasted for the first time in 1981 by the BBC. It's is about the 1980/1981 USA...
Off Saigon’s latest album Saigon - The Greatest Story Never Told. Via Dot Got It.
The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive Last week, a NY Times...
We have received word from readers this evening that legendary singer and songwriter Jimmy Castor, known for his funky --...
William “Bootsy” Collins got his big break when James Brown plucked him for the original line-up of his groundbreaking early...
Novi album General Wooa "Verbalni delikt" po mnogo čemu je označio 2011. godinu. Bio je to prvi album jednog izvođača...
Kanye & Phenom are the first act in this video, recorded in Chi Town's club Double Door back in 1996....
Intervju s Woo-om, emitiran u sinoćnjem Red Carpetu. Večeras u 20 h na MTV-u očekujte premijeru spota za pjesmu Ništa...
On Saturday night DJ P was crowned the Master of The Mix Season 2 Champion and won 250K. To check...
Now that The Roots are on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon they can’t log 100+ days a year on the...
Intervju s Don Dadom gdje priča o zajedničkom albumu s Viklerom i Pistolerom pročitajte ovdje.
Never Scared: A Tribute To Hip-Hop is a recorded routine Deejay Irie did live based on Chris Rock’s stand up...