Video: The Roots first ever live show (1992)
Excerpts of the only known recording of the first show by the Roots featuring the original band members Black Thought...
Excerpts of the only known recording of the first show by the Roots featuring the original band members Black Thought...
The Dogfather looks to stretch his business this Summer with a new venture in smokable books. Yes you heard it...
Second music video off Transitions by Nefew & 7inch, available now on iTunes. Nefew are confirmed to perform on this...
From Lord Jazz' new album The Plain Dealer. Download the song here.
Check out the video for Everything New from Stalley's Savage Journey To The American Dream, directed by Rik Cordero and...
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“Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde: The Singles Collection Music Box” starts with all the singles issued from “Bizarre Ride” on...
Buckshot plays a Duck Down Music intern to unsuspecting fans. Watch him act as characters such as Skott (with two...
Intervju, Snippet albuma i Dada objašnjava zašto album kasni. Dza i Marvel su uz izlazak albuma pripremili i specijalnu limitiranu...
Zenički muzičar Deni Bašić Komedii je objavio spot za pesmu „Ovdje“. Spot je sniman u Zenici, kameru potpisuje Haris Rahmanović,...
Download the song here.
The first ever Rocawear commercial is a retrospective of Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter's journey as a kid growing up in the...
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