RnB Perfection Weekend @ Boa Clubs
RnB Perfection weekend u klubovima Boa u Rovinju i Malinskoj!
RnB Perfection weekend u klubovima Boa u Rovinju i Malinskoj!
Buy tickets and find out more about Fresh Island HERE.
Nakon dva druženja slijedi treće,za ovaj put se selimo u kazalište. Ovaj put u gostima, Egoless. Jedan od najcijenjenih hrvatskih...
5. HIP HOP ASVALT u sklopu Heksnfesta 2013 predstavlja: MC's: ZLATKO, N'TOKO, FIĐI, MIRKO, DRILL, BURKE, IZIČ, SANDI MVP, TILL-N...
Fresh Island is proud to announce that the legendary KRS-One is leading the last set of artists added to our...
Fresh Island's last big announcement will be a special treat for all real hip-hop fans! A true hip hop icon!...
Our homies from Poland Big idea invite you all to the Fresh Island Festival Warm-up in Poland with J-Ro of...
In support of our special live performance from The Original Wailers we have added some special guest dj's to open...
Facebook event
Promo party Fresh Island Festivala večeras u klubu Mansion, na zagrebačkom Jarunu. Specijalni gost je DJ Phat Phillie. Prvih 20...
Culture Club Revelin pripremio je 8. lipnja warm-up party za ovogodišnji Fresh Island Festival! Jedno od većih osvježenja na europskoj...
Check out Snoop Dogg as he announces his show on Fresh Island festival!
Likwit Bumz Soundsystem (DJ Phat Phillie & J-Ro) are in Munich (Germany) on June the 14th. The door opens at...
Fresh Island Festival 2013 meets Rough Rap Rave in Berlin. For more info, tickets and accommodation visit www.fresh-island.org