Video: Edo, Frenkie & Soul @ Backyard Festival
Provjerite snimku Ede Maajke, Frenkija i DJ Soula s ovogodišnjeg Backyard Festivala održanog u Donjem Miholjcu. (more…)
Provjerite snimku Ede Maajke, Frenkija i DJ Soula s ovogodišnjeg Backyard Festivala održanog u Donjem Miholjcu. (more…)
After we had announced the 0 day at Fresh Island Festival's Kalypso stage and had an amazing time there, the...
As the Festival is almost up and running, the Fresh Island crew has announced a special 0 Day for all...
In celebration of Drake's debut Beats Radio 1 show on Apple Music, the new listeners were treated with a brand...
Wirefest is going down in London, and the lineup features several big names from Public Enemy to Chance the Rapper....
Pozivamo vas da u SUBOTU 04.07 uz veselo druženje, vrhunsku muziku, graffiti art, parkour & breakedance performance i sve ostale...
Excited to be back in #Dubrovnik this weekend with my nukka from Remiza blokka DJ Bizzo Bodega. If you're in...
Watch Kanye's full performance at Glastonbury 2015 HERE.
Specijalna ponuda za našu ex YU Fresh ekipu! Okupi prijatelje, skupite keš za 2 karte i mi vam poklanjamo 2!...
"Ljeto u MSU" poziva vas na peti koncert ove sezone u subotu, 4. srpnja uz Edu Maajku od 21h na...
Check out Tropkillaz's European dates above and catch them at this year's Fresh Island Festival.
Check out the list for different festivals to party at this summer, even 5 of those are in Croatia! From...
Prve dvije osobe koje se jave sa svojim imenom i prezimenom na osvajaju po dvije karte za subotnji Fresh...
Fanovi Trapa su došli na svoje. O čemu se radi? Više u nastavku. (more…)