Dada izbacio novi album “Ni na nebu ni na zemlji”
Nakon podužeg čekanja, Bassivityjev Dada izbacio je svoj album Ni na nebu ni na zemlji. Album se sastoji od 15...
Nakon podužeg čekanja, Bassivityjev Dada izbacio je svoj album Ni na nebu ni na zemlji. Album se sastoji od 15...
Hell yeah, that's right! To celebrate the 25th anniversary of All Souled Out, the debut EP of the legendary Pete...
A new song from B-Real is out. It is a collaboration with Berner. The song name is "FTB", and it...
New song from the Dabbla's debut album 'Year Of The Monkey' is out. The song name is 'Penis For The...
Crooked doesn’t give a warning shot with Good Vs Evil (which was a top 10 debut on the iTunes Hip-Hop...
Napokon imate priliku pogledati jedan novi, još ne objavljeni intervju grupe Prti Bee Gee. Riječ je videu kojeg možemo definirati...
G-Unit's Lloyd Banks released new music the other day. Check out his latest track Misunderstood which was produced by Beat...
The beat making extraordinaire known as Knxwledge is back with a fresh batch of heat. Titled WT.PRT10_, the short project...
Despite his new found success, G-Eazy’s hunger still thrives on his conscious record, “Still“. Stick around as he drops the...
To promote his 23rd Blackout radio anniversary Phat Phillie made a 90 minute Diamond D special on his latest Blackout...
The new song from Fliptrix is out. It's called "Smoke Lingers Always" and it features King Kashmere. It is a...
Zanimljiva suradnja Kandžije i Golih žena s Goranom Barom ugledala je svijetlo dana. Riječ je o stvari koja nosi naziv...
Večerašnja Blackout emisija bit će posvećena samo Diamond D-u koji dolazi u Zagreb povodom proslave 23. Rođendana Blackouta, 02.12. u...
On this week's Smokebox B-Real lights a spliff with Termanology. While hanging out they discussed some interesting topics. Termanology talks...
Prti Bee Gee je odlučio objaviti dio nadolazećeg spota za stvar "Nagrdi me". Isječak ne otkriva puno, a na kraju...