Poslušajte novi remix pjesme “Crno vs. belo”
Stvar koju smo svi preslušali nebrojeni broj puta, ponovno je poprimila novi auditivni oblik. Riječ je o remixu stvari koja...
Stvar koju smo svi preslušali nebrojeni broj puta, ponovno je poprimila novi auditivni oblik. Riječ je o remixu stvari koja...
https://twitter.com/JANTONIO/status/809149542964678656 One of the biggest Christmas Carol services in Sri Lanka made a mistake or we can call it a...
Cypress Hill freestyle from back in 1998 - never heard before! Westwood Throwback. (more…)
Every December, various music outlets publish their individual “Best Albums Of The Year” rap-ups. AllHipHop.com provided a twist on that...
DJ Eclipse: Had an empty cassette case labeled with this show and finally came across the actual tape today. Here's...
Following his 2012 rework of Frank Ocean’s Chanel Orange, DJ Slim K of Chopstars delivers another “chopped not slopped” rendition,...
For Our Jewel Runners Worldwide, Fuck it. We couldn’t help ourselves. It just feels right. After a crazy fucking year...
A few days ago Chance the Rapper and Jeremih teamed up to release their joint project entitled Merry Christmas Lil’...
Check out Papoose's latest track entitled Back on My Bullshit which features vocals from Fat Joe and Jaquae. Be on...
Premijera je prošla bombastično, isprašili smo svu municiju, dimilo i bljeskalo je na sve strane i kak dani prolaze opet...
Nova stvar dolazi nam iz susjedne Slovenije. Riječ je stvari koja nosi naziv ˝Wicked Shit¨, a nastala je kao produkt...
Nova stvar iz Sick Touch radionice je vani. Riječ je o pjesmi koja nosi naziv ˝Dovoljno˝, a nastala je kao...
The NYC rappers Fat Joe and Remy Ma teamed up with Ty$ to release their latest joint entitled Money Showers....
The new video from Snowgoons is out. The name of the song is˝ Death Match˝ and it features few intereting...
Earlier this year, it was announced that The Simpsons would be producing a hip hop homage to The Great Gatsby,...