FM Jam na turneji
U nastavku posta provjerite gdje sve u prosincu možete pogledati Edu Maajku, Frenkija DJ Soula i Baga Sound. (more…)
U nastavku posta provjerite gdje sve u prosincu možete pogledati Edu Maajku, Frenkija DJ Soula i Baga Sound. (more…)
Tonight @ 10 PM (C.E.T.) check out DJ Phat Phillie playing nothing but the freshest in underground hip hop on...
ONYX će 4. prosinca nastupiti u Metropolis Areni u Skopju u sklopu Taksirat Festivala zajedno s njemačkim reggae artistom Gentlemanom....
Kanye West graces the cover of the December/January issue of Complex magazine. For the cover story, Editor-in-Chief Noah Callahan-Bever provides...
Izgleda da se je PB izvukao iz vreve zbog nacina na koji je rijesio napast u prosloj epizodi, a ovaj...
TV reklama za prvo gostovanje DJ Premiera u Skopju uz podršku DJ Phat Philliea!
Rasco & Dj Wich have done it again. On the heels of their well received first Video "Grizzly" the Dynamic...
A classic, remixed by Jack Dangers and brought to visual life by director David C. Snyder. One of the most...
Download: Mrzovoljno Oko - Ako Umrem Sutra U nastavku posta potražite informacije o remix natječaju kojeg raspisuju Mrzovoljno Oko i...
On December 7th, Redman will release his seventh solo studio album, Reggie. The 18-year Def Jam Records vet's latest album...
You can read what Quincy has to say about each track from his album Soul Bossa Nostra at Billboard.
Catch Primo at a venue near you!! Brought to you by Blackout Bookings & DJ Phat Phillie.
U petak 19.11. Minival repa HIP HOP na Blackoutu u zagrebačkom Aquariusu. Ulaz je besplatan. U klubu Aquarius predstavit će...
Flyer for the Reunion Tour show being held in club Bogen 2 in Cologne, Germany on the 8th of December.
Karte za sutrašnji koncert Redmana i Method Mana su planule i više ih nije moguće nabaviti. Nadamo se da ste...