!llmind launching a remix contest
Despite being one of hip-hop’s most in-demand producers, !llmind has never before released an official album of his own. The...
Despite being one of hip-hop’s most in-demand producers, !llmind has never before released an official album of his own. The...
Velika galerija slika s prve stanice balkanske turneje M.O.P.-a, klub Cinemas u Sarajevu. Fotke provjerite ovdje, a u nastavku posta...
Thisis50 gets a first shot of Prodigy, who is a free man after his 3 year bid. Prodigy is FREE!...
Ove srijede u Ljubljani u klubu Cvetličarna možete pogledati nastup grupe M.O.P. i Mriga & Gheta, koji će predstaviti svoj...
Balkanska turneja grupe M.O.P. starta danas! Prvi koncert odraditi će večeras u Sarajevu u Cinemasu (ex Sloga). Warm-up DJ set...
Nakon što je Venom odnio pobjedu protiv Bronsona, ovog petka sučelili su se Ludvig i Bizzo. Oba seta možete poslušati...
Before the blog boom, the magazine was the principle information source for hip-hop heads. In those days the publication world...
Čini se da je ukidanje svih specijaliziranih emisija u terminu poslije 20 sati samo dodatno sahranjivanje nekad, omiljene zagrebačke radio...
Službeni cover novog albuma grupe Dječaci. Uskoro se očekuje i prvi singl. Slika je autentična i nastala je prošlog vikenda...
Steve Arrington is working on an album for Stones Throw produced entirely by Dam-Funk. Recently he had a big comeback...
Nakon što su prošlog mjeseca izbacili besplatni mixtape, slovenski duo Mrigo & Ghet sad su izdali novi službeni album naziva...
Having worked on the outskirts of the mainstream for over 10 years, it is quite fitting that the first full...
One of the staple forces behind Termanology’s ST. Da Squad, DJ Deadeye has been waiting patiently for his turn in...
Afrika Bambaataa and C1RCA have teamed up to create two shoes for the Spring 2011 collection, the Convert and the...
Prodigy comes home in seven days (March 7) and in support of his upcoming memoir, Jordan Tower Films puts together...