Common’s ‘The Dreamer, The Believer’ Gets Pushed Back Until December
According to Common’s tweet it looks like his No I.D. produced album The Dreamer, The Believer is been delayed until...
According to Common’s tweet it looks like his No I.D. produced album The Dreamer, The Believer is been delayed until...
U proteklih 48 sati četiri kandidata privukla su više od 2500 glasača, a najviše je "lajkova" skupio King Belaj iz...
Action recently linked up with Producer Statik Selektah, and a couple tracks turned into a whole project. What do you...
Ako čekate večerašnju emisiju, morat ćemo vas razočarati. Radi tehničkih problema emisija se neće emitirati. No već idućeg utorka nastavlja...
Popis pjesama s novog albuma grupe Dječaci provjerite u nastavku posta. (more…)
In this very special public service announcement from M.O.P., Billy Danze and Lil Fame officially announce the release of their...
Exile confirmed that his new album with Blu is done. He also talks on his collaborations with No I.D., Talib...
Ulaznice za Ghostfaceov koncert u klubu Aquarius 4.11. su službeno u prodaji! Trenutno ih možete naći u Aquarius CD Shopovima...
Video prilog sa zagrebačkog izdanja Red Bull MC Battlea. Fotke ste već imali prilike vidjeti, a još jedan set fotki...
Zbog velikog interesa Blackout Hip Hop majice kratkih rukava moći će se kupiti na koncertu Ghostfacea 4.11. u klubu Aquarius.
The Roots are joined by Big K.R.I.T. on this mellow track called 'Make My', which is the first single from...
Večeras vas u klubu Aquarius očekuje veliki memorijal u čast legendarnog b-boya Gorana Kolareka aka Flor Kilah! Program počinje u...
Na festivalu jakih, uz dozu katkad, priznajmo, lakih rima u velikom se stilu predstavilo 16 domaćih freestyle repera slobodnog stila....
Chicago producer/artist Syl Johnson, sits down to discuss Kanye West, Jay-Z and how he's suing the two for The Joy....