Moka Only & Ayatollah – Eckhart Tolle
Moka Only is one of Canada's most celebrated hip-hop exports, a former member of Canadian rap royalty Swollen Members who...
Moka Only is one of Canada's most celebrated hip-hop exports, a former member of Canadian rap royalty Swollen Members who...
First single from the new supergroup M.A.R.S.
Emisiju Phat Fridays od ovog petka slušajte u terminu od 14 do 16 h na Radiju 808. Phat Fridays vodi...
Novi broj KL!K magazina (na svim kioscima) donosi priču o Kurtis Blowu koji će idućeg petka nastupiti u zagrebačkom klubu...
Produced by Fyre Dept. Scratched by Pete Rock & The Audible Doctor.
BEATDOWN radio show hosted by Bdat Dzutim & Phillie P on RADIO B92 Thursdays 00-01h
Jedan od najvećih europskih zimskih glazbenih festivala, Big Snow Kop, održati će se ove godine od 19-25. ožujka na Kopaoniku....
The much anticipated Hit Squad reunion show slammed the Best Buy Theater in New York last week and it was...
Estelle has just released her new record, All Of Me, and today we can present to you her track together...
Dokumentarni film o jednoj od najutjecajnijih i najrevolucionarnijih grupa u povijesti hip-hop glazbe. Izdavši pet zlatnih i platinastih albuma u...
DJ Toshi has made a name for himself broadcasting worldwide on his Classic Storm Radio Show, garnering fans from across...
Aspiring new artists: Here’s your chance to not only hop on an Alchemist beat, but also debut your video and...
SomeOthaShip Connect is proud to present "Husfriend," the second single from Georgia Anne Muldrow's forthcoming 'Seeds' LP. The album, produced...
DA ĆE okršaj klupskih legendi biti uistinu poseban, dokazuje i okršaj kolektiva su ovaj vikend kad su bacili jedni drugima...