From Marcy To Barclays (Mixed by DJ Neil Armstrong)
Brooklyn has gained much more then just a new arena and a basketball team. The hole in the heart of...
Brooklyn has gained much more then just a new arena and a basketball team. The hole in the heart of...
Leading on from the success of his previous solo attempt, Big Boi provides the artwork and tracklist for his upcoming...
15. prosinca 2012. godine u 20:00h ponovno će se otvoriti vrata dvorane Novog društvenog doma u Virju. Peti put na...
Napeto će biti već prve najavne festivalske večeri kad će se u verbalnom susretu s Illectricityjem naći nekoliko sjajnih boraca:...
Magellano je sinoć gostovao na Blackoutu gdje je promovirao novu stvar Lord Magellan i usput blagoslovio mikrofon brzim freestyleom kojeg...
Lider je krajem prošlog mjeseca izbacio projekt In The House Vol.1, kojeg čine njegove suradnje iz perioda od 2008. do...
Novi broj magazina My People posvećen je Red Bull MC Battleu.
27-godišnji vinkovački reper Dejan Starčević DeYo, sa pisanjem prvih rima kreće 2000. godine. To je bio samo logičan slijed događaja...
After premiering the track last week on Shade 45, Freeway unleashes the CDQ version of his latest collaboration with producer...
In an unusual combination, Wu-Tang Clan’s GZA teams up with Dr. Christopher Emdin of Columbia University to create a ground-breaking...
In keeping with the growing trend of albums being released on limited edition USB drivers, DJ Nu Mark & Hot...
The X Label brings to you… The CLASSIC t-shirt! The rare image of Tupac & Guru captured together. You can...
19. rođendan emisije Blackout u utorak je obilježen rasprodanim koncertom Lord Finessea u Tvornici. Publiku su zagrijali Panoptik & AC3PO,...
Here's a collaboration between Prodigy of Mobb Deep and Supra. Dubbed the Mobb Deep x Supra Bandit “Camo”, the model...
The self confessed vinyl junky returns with the full length EP his 2011 "King of The Beat" 7 inch was...