Elzhi – February
"February" (produced by 14KT) is a early released track from the highly anticipated album "Lead Poison" by Elzhi The Great,...
"February" (produced by 14KT) is a early released track from the highly anticipated album "Lead Poison" by Elzhi The Great,...
"All The Way" feat. Futuristic and Madchild" was produced by Cali Cleve and is the latest single from Demrick's new...
From the upcoming movie soundtrack Furious 7. (more…)
Za sve vas koji već jeste i za vas koji ćete tek nabaviti svoju ulaznicu, znajte da vas Blackouthiphop.com posebno...
Malik B of the Roots and Mr. Green are joined by legendary MC R.A. The Rugged Man and Danish singer...
Jay asked me to hold this for him and Jeezy. Ross did something with it. Chris Brown wanted it badly...
Iggy hops on Tinashe's track All Hands On Deck. Check out the remix here.
Stream BBNG and Killah's latest album Sour Soul below.
Produced by Heartbeatz
Sad kad smo već fino zakoračili u novu 2015., došlo je vrijeme da sastavimo listu najaktivnijih i najkvalitetnijih domaćih producenata....
Grafh Dirty Pretty Nigga (God Bless ASAP Yams) Pretty Flacko Freestye. Pain Killers Reloaded Coming Soon
Sour Soul dropping February 24th.
Produced by DJ Khalil
By this time you would have to be living under a rock to not have heard about the Funk Flex...