Brasstracks ft. Jay Prince – Good Love
Formed just over a year ago, Brasstracks are known for their endorphin inducing, uplifting brass and rhythm lead tracks such...
Formed just over a year ago, Brasstracks are known for their endorphin inducing, uplifting brass and rhythm lead tracks such...
Ridiculously talented artists who are releasing free mixtapes and projects are not getting the recognition they truly deserve because the...
Legatti Beatzz je ime mladog zadarskog producenta , koji je dio grupacije Sheltera team. Radi na samostalnoj proizvodnji beatova, a...
Produced by Suits & Burghardt, the Promo Mixtape coming soon "The Man in the Mirror"
Pogledajte najnoviji battle Rap Skillz kanala u kojem se natječu zagrebački MC Tibor i mostarski Rospy Mange u vreloj tuzlanskoj...
Benjamin Coyle-Larner, better known by name Loyle Carner, is a 21 year old British rapper and actor from South London....
˝Under the Influence˝ is a three part documentary series exposing the unsung black music stories in British culture. It is...
Donosimo vam novu pjesmu iz Nema Labavo Ent. laboratorija u saradnji sa Bny Beatz ! Bny Beatz je bio zaduzen...
"Rap Buddhaz" is a collaboration album between True Masterz & Da Shogunz. True Materz are a rap group that counts...
Kako se vratiti pravim društvenim, ali i glazbenim vrijednostima govorili su gosti emisije Crvena linija: Mirela Priselac - Remi, Marko...
J Dilla's lost classic Jay Love Japan in stores! Order Jay Love Japan (CD, Vinyl, Deluxe) (more…)
Meyhem Lauren’s soon-to-be Queens rap classic Piatto D’Oro gets immortalized with a limited edition shirt featuring the iced-out cover art...
FM Jamov Finti izbacio je novi EP pod nazivom Nezdravo pogotovo. Materijal se sastoji od šest pjesama s gostovanjima od:...
Izašao je mixtape simboličnog naziva ''Puff puff pass''. Projekt je nastao kao suradnja 3 dj-a : DJ K’Pow-a, DJ Splinta...
Vice Srbija je odlučio napraviti film ''Ja repujem – Smoke Mardeljano'' u kojem će prestaviti lik i djelo Miloša Stojanovića....