Video: Yo-Yo speaks on working with Ice Cube, 50 years of Hip-Hop, and more
Recently, the New York-based radio station WBLS and its host Deja Vu held an interview with a hip-hop legend Yo-Yo....
Recently, the New York-based radio station WBLS and its host Deja Vu held an interview with a hip-hop legend Yo-Yo....
Riječka radio emisija Rapertoar na Radiu Roži objavljuje 89-u epizodu Šta Ima tematike u kojoj, uz razne novosti iz Hrvatske...
Prva Rapertoar emisija u novoj godini donosi pravu poslasticu - interview sa riječko-ljubljanskom legendom Sunny Sun-om. Kada se priča o...
Nakon kraće pauze i Hip Hop Rijeka Mixeva, riječki Rapertoar vraća se u klasičnu formu hip-hop novosti iz regije i...
The legendary Ice Cube joins Mike Tyson and Matt Barnes on the Hotboxin' couch to discuss the release of Mount...
Rap muzika, kao jedan od četiri tj. pet elemenata hip-hopa (ili devet po KRS-Oneu), nakon svog začetka prošla je kroz...
63. epizoda Ril Tok Podcasta ugošćuje DJ Noki Noleta na skoro trosatnom interviewu. Njegova dugogodišnja karijera, mnoštvo suradnji, spajanje izvođača,...
Legenda Burky nedavno je izbacio fenomenalan album Let Za Okinawu o kojem sam ujedno i pisao, tako da je logično...
Jedna polovina grupe Bolesna Braća, legenda Baby Dooks posjetio je Khanov Ril Tok Podcast u 61. epizodi za detaljan interview....
On a new Drink Champs, N.O.R.E. & DJ EFN chop it up with Jeezy. Jeezy shares stories of his journey,...
Ice -T talks cloning himself, the sins of Hip-Hop, Kanye West, Hip-Hop turning 50, and what criminals should do to...
In this episode of Chop It Up with DJ Premier the one and only MC Sha-Rock is called live on...
In episode 3 of Rock The Bells' new series The Recollect, U.T.F.O.'s DJ Mix Master Ice speaks on the incredible...
In Episode 2 of Rock The Bells' new series The Recollect, D.I.T.C.'s own, Diamond D reveals how he accidentally got...
Ye talks about the media, the Kardashians, P Diddy, Drake, and more... (more…)