Interview: Audio Push on All In
Watch Timothy DeLaGhetto's interview with Audio Push at the SXSW conference in Austin, Texas.
Watch Timothy DeLaGhetto's interview with Audio Push at the SXSW conference in Austin, Texas.
For this new episode of Just One Record, we meet Rich Medina, producer, DJ, writer, photographer, specializing in Funk of...
Hit continue reading to watch part 2. (more…)
Glazbena emisija o domaćoj underground/demo sceni na Z1 Televiziji
Najveci raper u Republici Hrvatskoj u otvorenom backstage intervjuu otvoreno govori o politici, odlasku iz Vukovara, estradi, kolegama sa scene,...
Get More: Rick Ross, RapFix Live, Full Episodes
Ekipa sa zagrebačke Televizije Student napravila je prilog povodom obilježavanja 20 godina Blackouta. Phillie & Independent govore o emisiji, koncertima,...
Black Fist Fridays with guest DJ Marley Marl.
In this Interview with Montreality, DJ Yella of N.W.A speaks about: - His 1st big paycheck - Directing porn films...
We had the opportunity to sit down with the magnificent DJ Jazzy Jeff in Philly to talk about his musical...
Bay Area legendary producer Rick Rock stops by to talk about that 707 west coast slap! They also cover how...
MC Wumah, danas poznatiji kao DJ Ludvig, govori o svojim počecima u hip hopu u prvom dijelu Kak je bilo...
Stoka govori o novom albumu, problemima s odvikavanjem od opojnih droga, rapu, svojim uzorima i ciljevima u zivotu, te najavljuje...