Blackout Radio Playlist (28.09.2010.)
Last week’s Blackout Radio Show podcast. Download the show here and continue reading for the playlist. (more…)
Last week’s Blackout Radio Show podcast. Download the show here and continue reading for the playlist. (more…)
Još su samo dva dana ostala do velikog, sedmog po redu Flor Kilah Memoriama koji će se održati u zagrebačkom...
Last week's Blackout Radio podcast. Download the show here and continue reading for the playlist. (more…)
Blackout se vraća u Aquarius! 8. listopada u A1 starta nova sezona Blackout Classics tuluma uz DJ Phat Phillija i...
Type08, dizajner koji je osmislio izgled Bumsquad magazina i koji svakog tjedna dizajnira Blackout playliste uvršten je među top 10...
Latin Prince, the Founder of International Bumsquad DJz spend some time on Mix1620 Radio w/ DJ Treunda & Alexis (NY...
R.I.P. Roc Raida Tracklist & download link after the jump. (more…)
Radijska reklama za nadolazeći veliki koncert Bolesne Braće u klubu Aquarius.
Here's the playlist & download link for this week's Blackout Radio Show. We played a portion of the Wake Up...
West Coast artist Spinz does a live video drop on a Koolade beat for Blackout Hip Hop crew from Croatia...
Spot za drugi singl mlade kantautorice Carle Belovari. Tekst i glazbu za pjesmu Sretan Broj potpisuje sama Carla, dok je...
The first show of Blackout Radio's 17th season on air. Download the show here and continue reading for the playlist....
17. sezona emisije Blackout kreće ovog utorka u 22h na Radiju 101! Tune in!
Koolade's single You & Yours with Maylay Sparks, from his upcoming album The Makings, is now available for purchase on...