OneShotAce Feat Benny The Butcher – Resonate
OneShotAce is a rising new artist from Boston, MA, one who offers tremendous versatility, as he incorporates pain music...
OneShotAce is a rising new artist from Boston, MA, one who offers tremendous versatility, as he incorporates pain music...
Sevin Soprano has teamed up with none other than Son Doobie from Funkdoobiest to create some of his best work....
Fokis connects with DJ Dister from Germany for a new track called One Life.
Mrawinjak Productions predstavlja novu traku od Reppa-e, malo na stranu sprdancije koja bi uskoro trebala dobiti i svoj vizual. Stay...
Straight outta Spain, Fénix Legacy of Gods has teamed up with Frukwan The Gatekeeper and managed to provide that authentic,...
Something I've been working on for the last year with good people over at HHV Records in Berlin. First...
Black Ops is the second single for the upcoming EP, 5 Piece & A Biscuit: Everything On Everything by rapper...
For his Mello Music Group debut, SHIRT pulls no punches and embraces artistic warfare against the machine on the incredible...
Apollo Brown and Philmore Greene break bread and represent the Midwest to the fullest on their new sonic endeavour, Cost...
Pete the Dark Truth drops more dope material from his current LP, The Dark Truth. Single #3, "Be More." over...
The OZone's (Orlando, FL) Soulrac takes it "Back 2 The Basics," the 2nd single from his upcoming EP produced...
Jedini reper sa otoka Hvara ima novu pjesmu. Već je jako dobro poznato da se Dante Drama voli igrati s...
Kao peti single sa nadolazećeg albuma Renesansa, reper Direkt predstavlja pjesmu Ne Znam Ko Mi Je Prijatelj sa gostujućim Hipperom....
Textured with layers of dope jazzy elements, this track was produced by The Faaaj, an underground hip-hop producer unit from...
Vule Košmar javlja se sa novom trakom snimljenu preko Public Enemy instrumentala. Stvar se zove Pokojnom Šampionu, dio prvi, pa...