Westside Gunn ft. Benny & Boldy James – Buffs vs. Wires
New Westside Gunn single lifted from his Flygod Is An Awesome God 2. Buffs vs. Wires features Benny The Butcher...
New Westside Gunn single lifted from his Flygod Is An Awesome God 2. Buffs vs. Wires features Benny The Butcher...
One of the dopest producers out there Es-K has a new tune to take us all to a Mental Paradise....
Another classic (11 straight summers) by DJ Jazzy Jeff & Mick featuring that retro, soulful, cool out, bbq eating, suntan...
Horor je nova kolaboracija između beatmakera repera hyper iz grupe Xillers i beatmakera SYRS. Check it out... (more…)
L'Orange & Solemn Brigham are Marlowe! Here's their new single OG Funk Rock, featuring A-F-R-O. Marlowe 2 drops August, 7th...
Mr. Lif & Stu Bangas are Vangarde and they have a new single 8 Minutes 46 Seconds, featuring Puma Ptah,...
Over the past three decades, Buckwild has established himself as one of the most consistently dope producers in the game....
Dirljiva priča ispričana kroz pjesmu Kao Što Smo Htjeli, koju potpisuje reper 34SIDE. (more…)
Svježi boom bap iz Sarajeva, Johnny Da Mista preko AZ instrumentala. (more…)
Novi tjedan, nova traka s nadolazećeg albuma Grga Čvarak. Grga & Trim kao jedno. (more…)
U ljetnoj furci Sinke Fresh vodi nas u svijet kalifornijskog zvuka uz mix G-funk, nu-disco, funk i boogie muzike. Soul...
I had a treasure trove of beats from legendary Lo-Fi beat maker Lord Beatjitzu that I needed to put to...
Prop Dylan's Nostalgia single series continues with Raw Rap. Produced by DJ Connect. (more…)
Nakon mnogo mjeseci odgađanja i čekanja, Radžin album prvijenac Diametralis konačno je dovršen i dobija svoje mjesto pod suncem. Možda...
Nakon što su zaplijenili pažnju svojim remix uradcima na Zdenko Ivanušić meets IBMCs jazzhop albumu, novosadski trio Direct Control, Bizzdiss...