Blu – Untitled(LovedU)2

After releasing collaborations with Detroit’s Ta’Raach and L.A. producer Mainframe, Blu attracted the attention of Warner Brothers, which will release his first major label album next year. Lately, the internet has been buzing about Her Favorite Colo(u)r, his unreleased solo debut. Initially available as a low-quality download from Blu’s myspace, HFC is finally mixed and mastered, and will be in stores everywhere on August 24, 2010. In addition, the album will be packaged with a bonus disc featuring another unreleased Blu masterpiece, The Godlee Barnes LP.
Untitled(LovedU)2 is a track from Her Favorite Colo(u)r.
Download: Blu – Untitled(LovedU)2 (Right click / save as)
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