Blackout Hip Hop Is Looking for New Music Editors! traži novu suradnicu/suradnika koji bi na dnevnoj bazi objavljivao vijesti iz svijeta Hip-Hopa. Posao zahtjeva izvrsno poznavanje engleskog i hrvatskog jezika te svakodnevni pristup internetu. Ako ste zainteresirani pošaljite kratki tekst o sebi (Zašto smatrate da ste baš vi najbolji kandidat za posao?) na do 10.02.2018. is seeking for new associates who would post hip-hop related news on a daily basis. The job requires excellent knowledge of English and daily access to the internet. If you’re interested in this job, please feel free to send a short text about yourself (Why do you think you’re the best candidate for the job?) to by February, 10th.