Blackout Exclusive: MC Melodee Interview

Blackout proudly presents MC Melodee! We’re honored to have had the chance to talk to one of Europe’s most prolific female MC’s and share her thoughts. Melodee talks life, career and opens up about Hip Hop in The Netherlands and worldwide. Check out the rest and how it went, Melodee is very open minded and easy to talk to, so we hope you enjoy the interview as much as we did!
Blackout Exclusive: MC Melodee Interview (April 25th, 2015) by Blackout Hip Hop on Mixcloud
If you haven’t already, also check out Melodee’s new video for Terrible Thing To Waist, produced by Cookin’ Soul.
Be sure to follow MC Melodee on:
Tweets by MCMelodee
Živim već par godina u nadi da će doći u Hr ,držim fige da se to ostvari uskoro 🙂
Big Up!
Very nice
Amazing interview!