Bolest – Vuk Haler (Album Stream)
Višeimeni Doktor Bolest prošle godine nas je iznenadio fenomenalnim te iznimno tematskim albumom Nekronomikon, dok se sada ponovo prebacuje u...
Višeimeni Doktor Bolest prošle godine nas je iznenadio fenomenalnim te iznimno tematskim albumom Nekronomikon, dok se sada ponovo prebacuje u...
Reper Šiki predstavlja treći single 21 Gram Istine sa nadolazećeg albuma Intelektualna Lirika. Check it out! (more…)
U godini kada Hip-Hop slavi pedeset godina postojanja, Blackout se ponosi već trećim desetljećem od utemeljenja i aktivnog djelovanja na domaćoj sceni....
In the year when we're celebrating 50 years of Hip-Hop, Wu-Tang Clan is celebrating 30 years of their first album....
Acclaimed Boston MC/Producer M-Dot connects with the EPMD/Def Squad legend Erick Sermon for HoopHop, an upbeat funk/soul-sampled banger, the likes...
Reper Enero u suradnji sa glazbenikom Jerrymun-om iz Zimbabwea i producentom Jamal-om te njegovim labelom No Limits snimili su pjesmu...
Today, platinum-certified West Coast hip-hop icon, DJ Quik returns with a brand-new single entitled Class. It notably paves the way...
The Gemini Twins aka Prop Dylan & Mr Noun are presenting a new track called Make Up For Lost Time....
Makedonski reper NBK izbacuje novi single pod imenom Vecer i sve je ono što bi mogli očekivati od kvalitetne makedonske...
In efforts to celebrate Marc Hype's 50th birthday, DJ Crash and Kid Wave of Def Beat Rockers have teamed for...
The Bronx MC The Musalini just recently signed for 9th Wonder's label Jamla Records and now he's sharing a brand...
Volume 2 of the '90s Tapes Talks' live show has legendary House Of Hits producer & member of Real Live,...
Hus Kingpin teams with producer Manny Megz to release new single + visual Weighings Brothers, from the new album The...
When mentioning Rap Rock and Rap Metal, most of us go straight back to the 90s - the era of...
Newest from Napoleon Da Legend comes with D-Styles, paying mad respects to the clan of Wu with this heavy track...