Video: Lady Leshurr – #UNLESHED 3
Lady Leshurr's third installment of the #UNLESHED series is here. Check out Leshurr's freestyle over Kendrick Lamar's track Humble via...
Lady Leshurr's third installment of the #UNLESHED series is here. Check out Leshurr's freestyle over Kendrick Lamar's track Humble via...
Zagrebački MC Geralt iz Rivije izbacio je novi freestyle preko Roc Marcianove trake No Smoke. GIR-ov vers poslušajte na linku...
Bam Bam released his newest music video for The Chairman's Intent. The single is taken from Bronson's forthcoming album Blue...
Tibor i Flowdeep udružili su snage s DJ Kool S-om za novi singl Tony Stark. Pjesma se nalazi na zajedničkom...
A$AP Twelvyy from the Mob brigs us some fresh new boom bap. Check out his latest music video for his...
Fresh Island Festival took place again on the Isle of Pag in Croatia this month, with young people from across...
After releasing the music video for Kill Jay Z on Tidal, Hov finally uploaded the visuals to YouTube. The song...
Kendrick shares his latest visuals for his new single LOYALTY. featuring Rihanna. The song can be found on K.Dot's new...
Zagrebačka grupa BUNTAI nam donosi novi spot za svoju pjesmu Beyblade. Produkciju pjesme odradio je DeepSix, a spot pogledajte na...
Pravila su vrlo jednostavna! Saljite nam matrice sa vasom pjesmom do 25tog Augusta, 02 Septembra cemo objaviti ime pobjednika, koji...
While Tim Westwood was at the Fresh Island Festival this year he did a lot of interviews. You can watch...
Drugi izbor ovoga tjedna u fokusu ima zbivanja na sceni hip hopa, r&b-ja i soul glazbe. Razgovaramo o Fresh Islandu,...
A$AP Mob have shared the video for their single ‘RAF’, featuring A$AP Rocky and Quavo – watch the new clip...
Edo Maajka ove godine ne miruje, okupio je novi bend, priprema album, nastupa širom regije a upravo je snimio i...
Giggs speaks exclusively to Westwood at Fresh Island Festival about his new mixtape 'Wamp 2 Dem', the worldwide anthem KMT,...