Video: Tech N9ne ft. Kendrick Lamar – Fragile
Produced by ¡MAYDAY!
Produced by ¡MAYDAY!
Brought to you by the FRANK151 fam, The FRANK Show is a weekly update and behind the scenes look into...
General Steele of Smif N Wessun shares one of his favorite unreleased verses.
Classic Archive Mix: Lord Finesse Live on East Village Radio (Sept 22nd 2010) Please feel free to Download & Enjoy.
Pjesma sa nadolazeceg projekta "Jantar & Fundament - Uspavanka Za Smrt". Beat: Fundament Cutz: Strajk
Pogledajte novu epizodu Sjenine emisije Kak je bilo prije u kojoj gostuje legendarni Slavin Balen.
U nastavku posta provjerite još jednu snimku Bore Balboe iz Medike. (more…)
Secc$ Tap.e Pt 2 dropping February 14th.
Produced by Vushi
Nova traka s MUP-ovog nadolazećeg albuma Nesigurnost i nepovjerenje.
Nova stvar Stoke s nadolazećeg albuma ZG Gangsta. Produced by Goran Kovačić
To keep the celebration goin’, J Rocc brings back his outstanding Dilla-MJ mind melt on his SoundCloud. Via
Produced by Dee Metto Cuts by Bunty Beats Fluushang Metto dropping March 1st.
When J Dilla lived and worked in Los Angeles, he was right around the corner from the Stussy office, and...