Interview: Nardwuar vs. Bushwick Bill
Nardwuar interviews Bushwick Bill at SXSW 2014 in Austin, Texas!
Nardwuar interviews Bushwick Bill at SXSW 2014 in Austin, Texas!
U nastavku posta provjerite popis pjesama. (more…)
Poslušajte prvi singl s Magellanovog nadolazećeg albuma VUK. Napomena: Pjesma Sve Vibrira će se naći na albumu u Dirty Hairy-jevoj...
Planet Asia lets loose another single in preparation for his project, "Egyptian Merchandise", coming soon. "The Barbarian" will not be...
Listen to Keith's new track Laws Of Polarity, produced by Urban Click from Slovenia.
Support Edo.G's 11th studio album HERE.
From Kool Keith's Demolition Crash album.
Najavni video za nadolazeći intervju Tibora i Kalija.
Check out this "funny" commercial in which Tupac, Kurt Cobain, Elvis Presley, John Lennon etc. are advertising Bavaria Radler.
Watch Slum Village's latest music video for their track Yes Yes, produced by J. Dilla.
Provjerite prošlotjednu Blackout emisiju u kojoj su Phillie-ju pravili društvo General Woo i Zagi. HOUR 1: HOUR 2: HOUR 3:
Koolade: The 1st time we ran for 2 hours!! Started off with some hip hop tunes, switched to some electronic...
SZA and Chance The Rapper teamed up and released a XXYYXX-produced track Childs Play.