Video: Danny Brown ft. Purity Ring – 25 Bucks
New music video off Danny Brown's album Old.
New music video off Danny Brown's album Old.
Pozivamo vas sve 11.4 u klub Attack na prvi zagrebački koncert beogradskog dvojca Cobrana i Mlate uz lokalni support momaka...
Pharoahe Monch To Release “PTSD” With Guest Appearances From Black Thought, Talib Kweli, dEnAuN, The Stepkids, Vernon Reid & Production...
Produced by Goran Kovačić
When your product is "That Dope," you're bound to know "the dopes, the pushers, the addicts, everybody," a tag that...
first single form the upcoming free album nine double m introducing QUININE MILLI
Nakon što je prošle godine napojio žedne uši na promociji svog novog albuma, Frenkie ponovno dolazi u Zagreb. Ovoga puta...
The Roots new single off their upcoming album "And Then You Shoot Your Cousin" Coming Soon on Def Jam Recordings....
Sometimes you just need to let things go, especially when you're in Amsterdam.
From Nature's Seasons Changed: Winter Edition.
Novi beattape Urban Clicka izlazi 17.04. pod nazivom Sun Season. Poslušajte ekskluzivni instrumental s nadolazećeg projekta.
U večerašnjoj emisiji u goste dolaze Magellano, koji promovira svoj novi album VUK ekskluzivno na Blackoutu, te ekipa s beogradskog...
Provjerite novi singl Magellana s nadolazećeg albuma VUK. Produkciju potpisuje AC3PO.