Video: Discover Classic Samples On Group Home’s “Livin’ Proof”
VinRican presents Classic Samples used on Group Home's 'Livin' Proof'. (more…)
VinRican presents Classic Samples used on Group Home's 'Livin' Proof'. (more…)
Sa južnog jadrana stiže jedna lijepa mornarska pjesma Marka Jadranka (MC Marko) i Ajsnog Gru Tina (Ajs Nigrutin) uz koju...
Lower East Side emcee/producer Fokis links with Sadat X & Punchline on "If I Had It My Way". The single...
Joyner Lucas took over Lil' Pump's "Gucci Gang" and made a hell of a remix to it - spiced up...
Tek & Steele are coming to Europe for a few gigs - check out the dates and make sure you...
Večeras u Močvari "Turbina - Turbo Tribina" organizira event "Evolucija hip-hopa: Pogled kroz vrijeme", gdje ce Phat Phillie, DJ Chill, Koolade,...
The tracklist to Eminem's upcoming album "Revival" has been revealed. Featured artists are Beyoncé, Phresher, Ed Sheeran, Alicia Keys, X...
Filip Motovunski izbacio je "Check Out The Vibe" EP pod engleskom etiketom Bad Taste Recordings. 5 traka kvalitetnog Drum N...
Nesvakidašnja, jedinstvena, avangardna, eksperimentalna.. ima puno epiteta koje možemo zakačiti na Diyalin rad, a rijetko kome drugome na domaćoj sceni....
U postbožićnoj, a prednovogodišnjoj Vintage funk B2B redaljci, u petak 29.prosinca od 22:00h pa sve do 5:00 ujutro za vas...
Check out Trapstar Toxic's new banger "Out Ere", true street grime of The Ice City Boyz - member as we...
Stefflon Don and Nadia Rose talk about how to make it in the music industry on this "Bacardi presents the...
Blackoutov urednik Tone razgovarao je s 3 predstavnika K.R.A.S.T.-a, Tiborom, Vargekom i Djubretom povodom njihovog nastupa u Vintage Industrial Baru...
Zaokružite datum 15.12.17, tad se u Aquariusu održava Hip Hop party uz nastupe nekolicine debitantskih izvođača na domaćoj sceni. Za...
The new edition of New Skool Rules is already in the pipeline. For possible showcases on this event from May...